"Oh no.."

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Louis's POV
"So what's going on?" Louis asked Aasim as they were walking through the halls. "The whole group is meeting us in Marlon's office. They want to talk about what happened that day. The day we found Arvo dead, and Cora and Cory while we were at it." Aasim explained. Louis was still puzzled. "But what's the point of all this.?" Louis asked. Aasim stopped walking. "Clementine was also in that room, and everyone wants to know what purposed she served in there. Some people are getting angry Louis, they don't like that there not being told something." Aasim said. "But that's not fair! I actually know what happened there! Clem was-" But then Aasim started waking again, ignoring Louis. "Save it at Marlon's office." He said. "But..why did you get me instead of Clem?" Louis asked as he caught up to Aasim. "Because we all damn know that she won't tell us anything, because she hasn't for the last week. We hoped that you knew something we didn't and luckily we got more than that, we got the answer instead." Aasim said as they approached the door to Marlon's office. When he opened, Louis saw that everyone from the group was there. When they saw them come in the immediately came up to Louis. "Do you know what happened?" Said one voice. "Why were the twins dead?" Said another. But Louis pushed through them and set his eyes on Marlon's desk. He sat on the chair and everyone turned their attention to him. Ok Louis, don't mess this up. He cleared his voice. "So..I suppose you all want to know what happened that day, right ?" He asked the group. Everyone nodded their head, but Louis especially noticed AJ was nodding his head the most. So Louis told them everything. There were a few angry faces and shocked ones too. "You excepted us to believe that Cory was trying to kill Clementine?! Without any proof?!" Matthew said after Louis finished the story. "Well what other thing we are supposed to believe?! Y'know I know I haven't know Clem that long but I know that she not a typed of person to kill without a reason!" Molly said. The group agreed and nodded. AJ then suddenly got up for his chair and headed out the door without anyone seeing him.

Clem's POV
Clem was sitting in her room, waiting. She didn't know what or who she was waiting for though. Every once and a while, she'd hear voices. She couldn't make out what they were saying but she could tell they were shouting or a lot of people taking at once. 10 minutes have pasted and Louis still hadn't come back. She began to be inpatient, and headed out of her dorm. It was silent in the halls since everyone was in a room talking about who knows what. Clem went outside get some air. It was chilly, and colder than she expected. She stood by the entrance of the school gates and held onto them as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. After a while, she began feeling calm. She decided to head back inside since it was getting too cold. She was about to turn around when she hear noises. She turned around but found no one there. She then listened closely until she heard moans and groaning. The longer she stayed the noisier it got. She then realized that it wasn't people, it was walkers. "Oh no.."She immediately ran inside to find the others and tell them what was happening.

Btw, Happy late Thanksgiving :)

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