"Happy Birthday" Part 2

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The boy looked up, but only for a moment. So he couldn't see she was missing a leg. "Hello Clementine" He Said in a bitter tone, but still trying to be polite. That's one thing Clem appreciate about him, that he was polite no matter what. "Listen James, I'm sorry" she said slowly made her way towards the boy. It was then he looked up and noticed her leg. He was shocked, he just kept looking at her until she sat down next to him, struggling to sit down. "Caught ya" She said. James just looked up at her. "What happened?" He asked. "I got bit, and when I did it was just me and AJ" She then stopped. "And I ask him to kill me" She finally Said. He looked shocked but some what understood. "But he didn't listen to me" she continued. " And here I am" She chuckled. "Did you see my leg" Clem asked calmly. "No, I couldn't go back there were to many walkers." "I tried distracting them but there were to many, and I couldn't go through them because I didn't have my mask." He Said. There was silence for a few moments. "Listen, I'm sorry that I told AJ to kill Lily" she said, then pausing and waiting to see his reaction. He didn't say anything and that made her think she best continue. "Listen I don't want AJ to become and killer, but killing lily, she- she hurt people James. She brainwashed people too. Listen It was hard to tell AJ to kill her because I knew her before all this started, and she was nice to me for as long I've known. Then she turns up 8 years later and wanted to kidnapped kids for a war!" She stopped for a moment. "I was young when I killed someone too y'know, to protect people I loved. In a way AJ killed Lily for that reason." She then huffed from all the talking she had to say. "Listen Clementine, I know killing Lily made us safe, but I'm just afraid AJ will become and killer, a maniac or something." James Said. "No he's not, I can still see my goofball in there James, I swear." "Ok Clem I believe you, I'm sorry how I acted in the cave by the way." He Said apologizing. "It's ok I get it, thanks for helpings get out of there too" she said smiling. "Don't worry about it" He Said. I couple minutes past without then saying a word just looking at the bunny or thing James was cooking. "Oh why did you come looking for me?" He finally asked. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to my birthday party." Clem Said.

About and hour later Clem still hadn't return, which made everyone wonder were she was

"Dammit where is she" Said Aasim. Everyone was looking all over for her. In the piano room, the gym, dorms, everywhere, but no such luck. They were all so busy hosting the party, they forgot about Clementine. "CLEMM" AJ screamed. He was worried about her, he hadn't see her since that "surprise" she was talking about. "Don't worry AJ, I'm sure Clem's fine" Louis said reassuring him, but AJ could hear the fear in Louis's voice, which made him panic more. When everyone was about to give up (except AJ and Louis) they heard a loud noise coming from the school gate. Everyone turned around and saw Clem (expect Louis and AJ since they were still looking for her) Everyone quickly ran towards her, some people hugged her or lectured her for not telling them were she was. Soon AJ and Louis notice the commotion and ran to the gates. AJ was able to spot Clem before Louis did and quickly ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "Clem, we thought you were gone" He Said worriedly "I'm ok kiddo, don't worry I'm not going anywhere" she said, hugging him back. By the time the hug ended, Louis saw Clem. They both looked up, Louis and Clem smiling. They soon went to each other and hug. Then out of no where Louis just kissed Clem, which she was shocked to but kissed back. "Don't scare me like that babe, you gave me a heart attack" Clem giggles adored by her boyfriend's worry. "Sorry Lou" She said. They hadn't realized but the whole group saw them kiss. Some of them said "awww" while others said "ewww" (AJ was part of those people)"Hey goofball did you go see if Javi and Gabe were coming?" She asked. "Yes they said they be here soon" "Thanks kiddo" She said. "Oh and look who I found" Clem Said. All of them turned around and saw James standing there awkwardly.

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