"We'll be ok"

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So I've decided to publish this story ever Friday. Thank you hope you enjoy the story!

After they got the bullet you could hear Gabe breathing heavily. "Your gonna be fine Gabe, you just need some rest." Javi Said. Gabe didn't answer and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Clem sighed. She turned around to see Ruby and Aasim talking. Then Ruby gave him a quick kiss and started walking towards them. Clem looked away, because it was rude to stare, but she was happy for them. Its a bummer that they act lovey dovey, then it's right back to the fight. Clem thought. "Alrighty Clem, I handled Aasim, let me just check on Gabe for a sec." She said to Clem and Javi. "That's fine, I needed to talk to Javi anyway." Clem Said. Javi gave her a confused look but nodded,they then headed up to Marlon's office. "What's up Clem?" Javi Asked when they got there. Clem sighed "Javi I don't know what to do, I'm-I'm scared." She Said, you could also hear her voice crack." But Javi couldn't answer because she kept taking. "We lost Victoria in there and we got wounded. What will happen if they come back? We can't fight, we don't have enough people. What if-what if-" But Clem was interrupted by Javi touching her shoulder. She looked up and him. "Clem it's ok we'll figure it out, we also do." He Said while smiling. "Javi you don't understand-" But yet again she was interrupted by Javi. "I do understand Clem! I lost my child the love of my life, and my brother and I'm also scared of losing Gabe too!" He shouted. Clem didn't answer, she just looked at the ground. Javi sighed "I'm sorry Clem, I just- I" He sighed again, then continued talking. "I don't know what to do.." He finally Said, he then sat down at one of the couches. Clem then sat down next to him,still not looking at him. "Like you said, we've done this before, and I know we can do it again." She Said. She then felt a strong grip around her body. It was Javi, he was hugging her. "We're going to be ok Clem, I promise." He Said. Clem hugged him back, "Thanks Javi." She replied. Just then a they heard a knock on to door. They stopped hugging and Javi went to answer it. When he opened it, it was Louis. "Hey Javi, Ruby Said Clem was in here, is she?" He asked. Clem then came up to the door. "Ya what's up?" She asked. "Can we meet in your dorm room? I need to talk to you." He Said. Clem hesitantly nodded, "I'll be there in a minute." Louis nodded and went to go to Clem room. "I better go, I'll talk to you later." Clem Said to Javi. "Ya see ya." He Said.

"Hey is everything ok?" Clem asked Louis when she entered her dorm. He was sitting on the her bed, waiting for her. "Come sit with me." He Said. Clem sat next to him, until he finally spoke. "What are we gonna do?" He Said. Clem shook her head. "I don't know, were not in a very good situation right now." She admitted. Louis then grabbed her hand and put it on his lap. "We'll be ok, your strong, I know you are." He Said. Clem blushed and smiled. But before she could respond they heard a loud yelling saying "Dinners Ready!" Clem let go of Louis's hand and got up. "Cmon let's go eat." She Said. But then she felt a Louis grabbing her hand and pulling her back down on the bed. "What are yo-" Clem Said. But then she was interrupted by a warm kiss on her lips. She was a little shocked at first but kissed him back. He then grabbed her waist to pull her closer, not separating the kiss. It became more passionate until Clem stopped the kiss. She chuckled, "Y'know you got to work for this right?" She asked. Louis laughed, he then sneakily and quickly kissed her again. "Whatever you say Clem." He responded. He got up and then grabbed Clem's hand. "Cmon let's go eat, THIS time." He Said. Clem chuckled and went along with him into to the hallway to the admin building. While the were on there way they were holding hands."Did you really call me over to talk about what's been happening? Or did you just want to kiss me?" Clem asked Louis smirked "Huh, I guess we'll never know." He Said. Clem smiled and shook her head. "Hey Lou?" She asked. "Hm?" He Said. "I love you" She Said. Louis smiled. "I wanted to say that first." He Said

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