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"Sure why not?" Clem Said. "Nah I'm good, I'm tried and want to get some sleep before we do anymore work tomorrow." Gabe Said. Everyone agreed and starting leaving the piano room. But Victoria, Cora, Matthew, and Jake stayed. "I'm in, it's been awhile since I've played this game." Matthew Said. "Well I'm out, you can't just sit here and play games, we got work to do tomorrow." Cory Said while heading out the door. "Ah don't mind my brother, he just wants to be helpful." Cora Said. They needed and started the game. "Don't worry I deal with Aasim for yeas and he still thinks I'm childish." Cora laughed. "Ok sooo Matthew, why don't you start off. You'll tell me 2 truths and 1 lie and I have to guess which is the lie." Clem Said. Matthew nodded. "Ok so first things first, I'm gay. Second is I'm allergic to dogs. And third is I love blueberries." He Said. Clem sat there for a while thinking. Then she came up with an answer. "Ok I think that the first is true and you are gay. Because I saw you talking with James and-" But Clem was interrupted by Matthew. "Well just because I talk to him, doesn't mean I like him." He Said. "Well if you let be finish I would explain the reason why I thought that. So I've seen the way you looked at each other, so I'm calling truth." Clem Said. Matthew gave in. "Ok fine you got me, yes I am gay. So can you figure out which ones the lie?" Matthew asked. "Well I believe you aren't allergic to dogs. Because if your were you probably would of tolds is the first time you got here. Y'know because of Rosie and all." Clem Said. There was silence. "Bingo. I was just going easy on you." Matthew Said. "It was obvious, and you do seem like a person you likes blueberries." Clem stated. Matthew laughed. Then it was Victoria's turn. "So Louis, let's see if I'm a master at catching people lying." She Said, trying to intimidate him. "Well then let me start off. Ok so number 1, I'm about to turn 18. 2 is that I like fishing. And last but not least the third thing is I came from a poor family before the apocalypse." He Said. Victoria sat there and thought, while Clem knew the lie already. "Well I think your lying that you like fishing, I believe you hate it." She Said confidentially. Louis laughed. "Well actually no. I do like it I'm just not good at it. But yes I'm about to turn 18. So the lie is I'm not from a poor family, I was actually really rich" Louis said. "Huh I never thought of you as a rich spoiled little boy." Victoria Said. Clem laughed. "You have I idea." She commented. "What's that's suppose mean?" Louis Asked. "Well it's my turn, and it's probably our last game, it's getting late." Cora Said, breaking up Louis and Clem's conversation. Everyone agreed that it was the last game. But they were all sad that the fun game was over.  "Ok Clem let's see if you can lie to me." Cora Said. "I'll sure try. Ok so I'll start of by saying I was in a relationship before I meet Louis. Second, I lost my leg to a walker bite. And last thing is I nearly froze to death once." Cora didn't even hesitate to answer. "Well I know you lost your leg to a walker bit. But I don't think you that your once we about to die girl frostbite, or whatever it's called. And I believe you were in a relationship with Gabe once. So I'm calling lie on the frostbite one." She Said. Clem laughed "Well actually I did once almost freeze to death once. I was trying to save my friend because it was about to fall in a pool of ice cold water. I couldn't save him but I got out." Clem Said. There was silence. "Clementine I'm so sorry, I can't imagine- "But Jake was interrupted by a loud bang. Everyone froze. Then they heard 1 more, then 2, 3,4,5 more. It sounded like a gun shot. Clem immediately went into action. "Louis, Victoria, and Cora go wake everyone up and warm then of what's happening! Jake, Matthew, you guys come with me outside!" She instructed. Everyone immediately went to go do their jobs. Clem then ran to her dorm before going outside. She wanted to get her bow and arrow. When she got their AJ and her hat weren't inside.But she didn't have time to think about that and rushed outside. When Clem got there she saw Jake and Matthew. She also heard and saw 2 people shooting their guns at the school gates. They had masks on, so they couldn't tell if they were girls of boys. Their going to attract walkers! Clem thought. "Stop!" Yelled Jake. The 2 people then but their guns down. "What do you want?" Matthew Asked them. They didn't answer. Then everyone heard a other gunshot coming from the building. Clem knew she had to stand her ground. They can take care of themselves. She thought. The intruders then started talking but it was a different language than English. Then one of them spoke. "You must give us your things." They said. "Like hell we will!" Clem spat. She quickly drew of her bow and and aimed her bow and the 2 people.  Then a other gunshot was fired inside the building. Clem was starting to get worried. But she had to stand her ground and deal with these people. The intruders looked shocked at her words, not bothered by the gunshots in the background. One of them started to aim their gun at Clementine but the other told them to put it down. They started talking but not in English. Then one of them started slowly going up to the gate, trying to get inside. "Move and I'll shoot!" Clem Said fiercely. The person stopped, looked at Clem and then said in English "It is you." They Said. "What-" Clem was about to say. But then she heard a other gunshot and heard Victoria scream "LOUIS!!" Clem froze.

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