"Even if your such a dork "

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Clementine woke up to the coldness of the room. Winter is coming faster than I thought, I hope we have enough food. Clem thought to herself. She was just about to get up but then felt something grab her and pull her back down. She turned around, then realizing it was Louis. He opened one his eyes. "Good morning Clem" He Said while yawning. "Louis- I- I forget I was here." She Said while blushing. Louis still haven't let go of her. "Ya me to for a second" Louis said while laughing. Clem then gently kissed him on the lips. "We should get up" Clem Said. "Ahhh cmon Clem, we were so comfortable." Louis said while burying his head into her stomach. She laughed. "Cmon we need to check on the new people" she said. "Ugh I forgot about them, y'know I'm regretting inviting them if there going to ruin this perfect moment." He stated.  Clem just laughed. Then remember something. "I have to go find AJ, he's probably wonder where I am." Clem Said. "Ugh fine, but I won't let you go until you give me one more kiss" He Said. Clem didn't even say anything and just kissed him. Which he gladly returned back. "Ok now can you let me go?" Clem Said. "Fineeee" Louis said whining. Clem sat up while Louis went over to get her crutches. They went out into the hallway to find AJ there, looking for something. When he saw them, he quickly ran up to them. "Clem where have you been, I've been looking all over for you?!" He asked, he's voice was demanding but also worried at the same time. "I'm fine kiddo, I was just with-" But Clem was interrupted. "Well me and Willy have a surprise for you. He said it was a really late birthday present, but it was worth the wait!" AJ Said excitedly. "Thank great AJ, I can't wait to see it." Clem Said. "Hey little man, do you know we're the new people are?" Louis Asked. "I think there outside eating, but it's getting pretty cold, so next time we will be eating indoors." AJ Said. "Can you tell them to meet in the admin building after their done with the food? We need to make announcements." Clem Said. "Sure Clem" And just like that he was off. "We should be heading there to, I'm starving" Louis exclaimed. Clem giggled. "Me too" She said.

When they got there everyone was in their own little group. The school kids were in one bench, while the new people were in other. Gabe and Clem still haven't talked, which annoyed her. Even though he was mad at her, they still needed to get along if they wanted to survive. She then noticed Gabe was the first to finish his food, then he quickly got up and put his food bowl on a table (where it would be washed later) and went into the admin building. Whenever I like it or not I have to talk to him. We need to be on good terms. She quickly gobbled the last of her food. "Hey Lou I'm going to the admin building, I'll be right back" She Said. And before Louis could say anything, she was already up and about.
When she got there she noticed Gabe just sitting down in a chair, doing nothing. "Hey you" She said. Gabe looked a little startled, but didn't respond. Clem sat down next to him. "Are you mad at me?" She asked. Gabe just sighed and shook his head slowly. "Listen Gabe, you were one of my really good friends that I have and had." She then chuckled. "Well I had friends but your the first to be my age" She Said. But then she thought. Well Sarah was my friend, but not my age though. Clem sighed, remembering her old friend. She quickly then snapped back into reality once  again. "You were a good friend, and hopefully still are, even for such a huge dork." She Said, while laughing at her words. It made Gabe smile a bit and chuckle too. She took out her hand. "Are we good?" Clem asked. Gabe shook it and nodded. "Listen Clementine, I have to tell you something" Gabe Said. "Yes?" Clem Said. It was the first words Gabe has said in a while, so she Listening loud and clear. "I- I still like-" But Gabe was interrupted by a loud slam of a door. "Clementine, it's James, he's back!" Violet Said. "Oh really, let me go speak to him" Clem Said while getting up. "Let's talk about this later, ok?" Clem asked Gabe. "Ya that's fine." Gabe Said, sighing with relief. She went outside we're she saw James, talking with the new People. "Hey James, why'd you come back?" Clem asked, whiles slightly pushing her way through the people. "Well I'm sorry I left, I just haven't been with people a lot." He Said. There was a pause. "But I want to start" He finally Said, which made vi smile. Clem nodded. "Alright everyone in the admin building, we need to make some announcements." Clem yelled. Everyone then headed to the admin building.

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