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I quickly and quietly shut the door to Clem's dorm. Man, I hope she can get through to him. He thought. Louis turned around and looked at AJ peacefully sleeping and smiles. He sat next to AJ on his bed. He then looked at his hair. Man it looks so fluffy, I want to touch it. He thought. No don't be stupid Louis, you can't do that. Ugh I just realized I'm having a conversation inside my head. But whatever I'm still going to touch it. Louis then slowly patted AJ head, it was so soft. He kept touching it until he felt a hand on his hand. "Don't do that." Louis looked down and saw that AJ had woken up and said that. Louis quickly put his hand back. "Uh- um- AJ well i saw something in your hair and- Uh-" Louis was so embarrassed he couldn't find the words to explain his actions. "I know there wasn't something in my hair unless it was all the way down in my hair, you patted my head so many times." AJ Said. "Besides I was awake the whole time when you and Clem were outside. I just wanted you to carry me to bed." AJ Said laughing. Louis laughed. "Your a little smart ass aren't you?" He Said. "Swear." AJ Said. "Sorry little man" Louis Said. "Hey Louis, why did you I think the word k-kiss Clem?" AJ Asked. Louis blushed a bit. "You'll learn when your older." He Said. "Louis please,just tell me what is means." Louis sighed. "It means your showing affection to someone you love." Louis Said. "So you love Clem?" He asked. "Well yes I do." Louis Said. "So if I kiss Clem were you kiss her, it shows that I love her?" "Well I mean you can when your little but not when your older that would be-" But Louis stopped talking. I'm not having this conversation with him, it's to awkward. "It would be what?" AJ asked. "Uhh- I cant explain it, but someone will someday." Louis said awkwardly. AJ sighed "Okkk..." He Said. "Hey do you want to do to the piano room? I believe the food should be ready by now." Louis Said. He just wanted to get out of this awkward conversation. "Ya let's go." AJ Said. Then out of no were AJ hugged Louis. Aww he's so tiny! Louis thought, while hugging AJ right back. When they separated Louis Asked. "What was that for?" "Well sometimes Clem hugs me to tell me she loves me, so I love you I what I'm trying to say." AJ Said. Louis smiled so big it hurt. "I love you to" Louis said. He was so happy he felt like he was going to cry. "Cmon let's go eat." AJ Said. Louis wipes his eyes just in case he was about to cry.

When they got there, everyone was there except Clem and Gabe. Louis Asked Javi were Gabe was, But all Javi said was, "Well I think Clem was going to see him in his dorm." Louis sighed, he better not try anything funny. Ten minutes pasted and still Clem or Gabe haven't come. Maybe they forget about dinner. Louis thought. He then went over to Omar. "Hey Omar, can you yell out that dinners is ready? I don't think Clem and Gabe know it's time." Louis Said. Omar nodded and and yelled "Dinners Ready!" Everyone inside the piano room looked confused. "Ya no shit Sherlock, we are all eating it!" Aasim yelled, which everyone laughed to. Not one minute later Clem busted into the door. Everyone looked startled. "Clem what the hell?!" Ruby asked. But Clem hushed her and hid behind the piano door. 5 seconds later Gabe came in and asked were Clem was. Oh I swear Gabe if you did something to her I will kill you! Louis went up to him and was about to go off on him until Clem interrupted with a loud "Boo!" that scared Gabe. They were talking about something that Louis didn't understand but he knew that he didn't do anything to her. Which was a relief. Gabe then whispered something to Clem, and then came over to Louis and asked. "Can we talk?" Louis was unsure about agreeing. But he looked over at Clem and noticed she gave him a thumbs up. So he knew it was ok to talk to him. They went to a comer of a room and Gabe started talking. "Listen I'm sorry I attacked you, I was just jealous of you and Clem. I'm sorry, me and Clem made up but I feel like it's right to apologize to you. So do you forgive me?" Gabe Asked. Huh your not as bad as I thought. "Yes I do" Louis Said. He then shook Gabe's hand as a truce. Gabe was about to walk away until Louis Asked, "Why did you chase Clem?" He asked. "Oh well she called me Gabriel, by real name and she never called me that before. I guess I was just embarrassed." Gabe Said. Louis laughed. "I would be to" he responded. Both of them sat down at their tables, each one sat next to Clem. They were laughing and having a good time. Acting like none of the last invents happened. "Hey guys, two truths and one lie?" He asked the group.

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