"Be safe.."

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Meanwhile back at the school
"This is so f*cked!" Gabe said. "It's getting dark and they are still not back yet." Gabe said again to everybody. After Clem, Louis, and AJ left, they managed to kill all the walkers without a problem. Willy and Ruby were still outside to keep watch if Louis, AJ, and Clem came back. In the mean time, the rest of the group huddled in Marlon's office, deciding what to do. "Should we take Rosie out? Maybe she might catch a sent or something." Aasim suggested. "That would work, but it's getting to dark and I don't know about you, but I don't wanna go outside while it's dark." Molly said. Everyone was getting stressed and upset, then Omar's eyes perked up. "Well do you guys remember when Marlon told us if we got lost, to always leave a mark or something on the trees?" He said. Aasim nodded. Violet chuckled, "Y'know even though he was an a*s, he was a least smart about that idea." "Who's Marlon?" Javi asked. The kids explained to the other people that didn't know Marlon, that he was their leader, but gave up some other kids off to raiders in exchange for safety. But when they found out the truth, AJ shot him. "Damn.." Matthew said. "But what's the point of telling us about Marlon?" James asked. "Well, we have to hope Louis wasn't being stupid that day and listened to him. I'm case they did get far out there, let's hope Louis was at least smart enough to leave tracks for himself." Omar said. The group kept talking and was starting to worry, it was basically already dark, they just hoped that the guys were alright.
Clem's POV
With the walkers coming towards her from the front and the back, Clem has no other option to shoot them with her bow. She ran to the side and started hitting the walkers. She hit quite a few, but there were to many for her it began overwhelming. While she kept shooting, Clem noticed she only had a few arrows left. She didn't know what she was going to do, but her thoughts were interrupted by something grabbing her leg, making her fall to the ground. A walker that only had their upper body left grabbed on the Clem's metal leg, trying to bite it but failed. The other walkers were getting closer, so Clem grabbed an arrow from her back and stuck it into the walkers brain. But she took to long and the walkers were closing in on her. So she quickly took the arrow and cut the walker that she killed stomach open, and quickly put the guts on her. The walkers that were now closing in quickly stopped coming to Clem and left her be. Clem sat down, sighing in relief that she was safe, (for now.) She slowly made her way through the walkers and laid by a tree. She then noticed that her metal leg was falling apart and even had a hole in it from the walker. It hurt her and she didn't know what else to do, so she took it off and and set it aside her. What the hell have I gotten into?! Clem was so tried she started closing her eyes. She was dirty, tried, and alone. Clem tried to kept her eyes awake, since she knew it wasn't safe to fall asleep. But soon she fell asleep.

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