"We're just friends"

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After Clem blew out her birthday candles, everyone was about ready to leave. But Clem needed to talk to Gabe. So while everyone was saying goodbye Clem pulled Gabe aside to talk to him. "Gabe can I speak with you for a moment?" She asked. "Sure, what's up Clem?" He asked. "Well Listen I just going to get straight to the point, you know we're just friends right?" She said. "Uh um ya definitely, good ones to" Gabe Said. "Well ya that all we are, nothing more nothing less, so I would kindly appreciate if you would stop flirting with me, I have a boyfriend" Clem Said, surprised she got all of that out. Gabe stayed silent. "I moved on, you should to Gabe." She Said while patting his back. Still Gabe stayed silent. "I thought you were dead Gabe it's been like 3 years, I- I just hope we can still be friends" she said. Clem then let go of his back then took out her hand at Gabe, hoping he shake it. He did but still didn't say anything, or even looking at her. Once he did he started walking away, without looking back at her or even saying goodbye. Clem felt sad, but she needed to set things straight, whether he liked it, or not.

Javi and Gabe soon left, Javi said goodbye but not Gabe, he wouldn't even look at her. She sighed and brushed him off. Then she spotted James with violet. That a sight for sore eyes. She thought. She walked up to them and fast as she could. "Hey guys, watcha doing?" She asked, hoping she didn't interrupted their conversation. "Just talking about ex's and stuff" Violet Said. " I never thought I be someone with the same sexuality as me, well except for Minnie." Vi said while sighing. James pat her on the back, comforting her. "Don't worry, I lost someone to" He Said. "You know come to think of it, did you guys know I'm bi?" She asked. They both looked up shocked. "Really?" Asked Violet. "Huh ya I guess so" Said Clem scratching her head in response. The three were so busy talking, they didn't know how late it was. "Huh it's getting late" James Said while standing up. "I should get going." He Said. "Wait" Violet Said trying to grab James hand, but missed because she couldn't see very well. So she quickly put it down. "I was wondering if you wanted to stay here a little while." She asked nervously. "Ya do you want to stay her with us?" Clem asked helping Vi out. "Well I haven't been with people in a long time." He said. "Well you can start" Clem Said. "Well, um ok" He Said unsure, but that was enough for Violet. Violet then smiled. She then showed James to a room he could sleep in. Seems like there bestie now. Clem thought. Everyone was staring to get ready for bed, It was a long happy day. "Hey Clem, I'm going to bed are going to come?" Aj Asked. "Ya kiddo, just let me find Louis,ok?" Clem said. "Ok" AJ Said and then left to their room. Come to think of it, we're is that boy? I haven't seen since I blew my birthday candles out. The girl thought. She looked in his dorm, in her's, the kitchen, outside, but nothing. But then she knew exactly where he was. She soon found him in the piano room, playing a song. "Hey you" She said. Louis turned around a little shocked at her presence. " oh hey Clem" He Said. She sat next to him, she noticed he looked a little worried, but she knew why. "So I talked to Gabe" she said. "Oh, what about?" He asked, not looking up at her. "Well you notice how he flirts with me, right?" Louis scoffed. "How could you not" He Said. "Well I talked to him about that we are just friends and that I'm in a relationship with you, he didn't say anything but hopefully he got the hint." Clem Said. Soon a smile came across Louis's face. "Really?" He asked. "Yup" Clem Said. "Thank God, He was getting to close to you" Louis said. Clem giggled and kissed his cheek. "Well it's getting late, want me to walk you?" He asked, pleasantly happy. "Yes, please" Clem Said. While walking Clem though to herself. Huh, Louis seemed strangely happy when I told him about the talk with me and Gabe. She smiled to herself. Ugh I just love jealous Louis. She thought. They soon arrived at her dorm, where sleeping AJ was. They gave each other a goodnight kiss, before Clem went to bed.

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