1. Australia

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"Ew, it's fucking hot."

And it was when I stepped out in the heatwave that was Sydney, Australia.

I was actually a bit thankful for the change in weather. England's rain was definitely starting to take a toll on me.

My natural tan had taken on a washed out shade, making me look sick all the time. At least while I was in Australia, I could get my glow back.

Quickly checking my watch, I hailed a cab to take me to the hotel nearest to the airport.

I had learnt not to stay in airport hotels simply because they made me paranoid.

I used to think it would be easier to basically live at the airport, incase I needed a quick getaway.

But it's much more effective to temporarily hang my hat a safe distance away from my emergency transportation. Therefore, I wouldn't be become paranoid and I could enjoy the scenery before I decided to disappear again.

When I arrived at the hotel, I paid for my room with a credit card I snagged off a very dozy woman I met at a coffee shop in London. I remembered how she wouldn't stop talking about her boyfriend and how she knew he was planning to propose to her.

"Enjoy your stay Miss Winters." The front desk lady said politely. I gave her a half smile. "Thank you."

Olivia Winters. Nobody. She isn't real. But she is me.

One part Olivia Benson from Law & Order SVU, and one part Lana Winters from American Horror Story Asylum. What a wonderful persona I've created.

Back in England, I was Sarah Reece.

As soon as I was in the privacy of my hotel room, I dropped my luggage by the bed and headed straight to the bathroom.

I started the shower and peeled off my sweat soaked clothes. As soon as the water was the perfect temperature, I stepped in.

I let the water rain on me.

And I cried.


Holy mother of pearl. I was taking a shower when I got the idea to write this. It sounded awesome in my head. How did taking a shower turn into writing a 5sos fanfic? Idk but I like it. I hope whoever's reading this does too. :)

Also, I wrote this at 2am. So forgive me if it's not that great. Hopefully I have sparked some people's interests.

Thanks to the bae, Gina, for reading and loving this chapter before I posted it.


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