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Sana's POV:

I cried silently as the plane moved. I couldn't hold it back. It was too painful for me to leave my family behind. Also, leaving the broken-hearted Y/n without saying a word. I... I was afraid to face him. After breaking his heart, and leaving him alone at the beach. Why didn't I tell him? I wish I could've even just said goodbye. I regret leaving... I regret it. But I'm now currently on a plane that's about to take off.

What could I do at this point? Nothing. Nothing at all. It's too late to turn back and tell him that... that... I love him, too. For years, we've been friends, and I love him. But I was afraid. And when he confessed... I got even more afraid of what could happen. We were too young. And the fact that I passed the audition and I will leave as soon as possible, made it even harder.

I thought about it. I wasn't emotionally strong to handle a relationship with Y/n while also being stressed out as a trainee, and our relationship, sadly, won't end well. Nothing, not even my parents, could stop me from doing what my heart wants. To be an idol. To be an inspiration to many fans. To be admired, loved, cheered on, and be supported, is my greatest desire. But... come to think of it...

That dream was already reached by me... all because of Y/n.

I suddenly had the urge to stop the plane from taking off! I stood up from ny seat and then I fell down on the floor, but the flight attendants quickly helped me up. "Ma'am, is everything okay??" one of them asked, then I looked out the window and stared. We were already flying. "Ma'am?" one of them called me, snapping me out of my trance.

"N-Nothing... I'm sorry..." I said, then I looked down and sat back. "Ma'am, you're in good hands, okay? We guarantee your safety, so don't worry, okay?" the same attendant asked, then I quickly nodded and thanked her before closing my eyes. It's far too late now. Why am I so bad at making decisions?? As for my clumsiness... it's just in my blood.

I guess I just have to go to Korea and pursue my dream even when I'm alone. Yes, I left on my own. I don't know if I'll live through this but... I might as well try. But why am I having second thoughts now? Why? I want to pursue my dream, but I also want to come back to my family... and also Y/n. I want to come back and tell him that I love him, too. That we can be together.

I just might regret this decision someday.

But if I don't regret it...

Well there just might be miracles.

The whole flight was very tiring. It was already 7 in the evening when I arrived at Incheon, and I already booked a cheap hotel to stay for the night. I grabbed a taxi, then all the feelings of tiredness inside my body faded when I looked through the window and watched the city lights that the taxi passes by. Me, alone- well, with a very silent taxi driver -while in a very unfamiliar place.

Fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, enthusiasm, and courage filled my heart. I imagine the things that I would do! The things that await me as time passes by. I just have to do my best. Then I remembered something! Actually, the right thing to say is, I think I forgot something! I hope not! I can't lose that! I need that certain object!

Frantic, I opened my purse as quick as possible, then I dug inside it and searched for that certain thing as hard as I can, but I had no luck in finding it. Without even realizing it, I already had tears falling from my eyes. And I just realized it when the driver asked me, "Miss, are you okay?" in Hangul. I was shocked. I didn't even know it, but I answered, "Y-Yes!" then I laughed nervously and added, "Thank you for asking!" in Nihongo. I face-palmed.

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