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Y/n's POV:

I can't believe it. I passed out and went unconscious right after I got rescued, and now I woke up in a dark room, only lit by the moonbeams that were coming inside through the windowpane. I looked around the room until I noticed two people sleeping on separate chairs, and then there was a girl sleeping with her head on top of her arms that were propped on the bed. Her long, blonde hair glowed with the moon.


I was out of strength, so I just placed my hand on top of her head, just to feel if she was real. So she is finally awake. I'm so glad that that is the case, but also, I'm kind of disappointed with myself for the not being there when she needed me the most. I wish I could've been there to comfort her as soon as she opens her eyes. I wish I could've been the one to tell her about the things that had happened. I'll never make her feel like she had missed a single, little thing.

You all know what happened after, so let's skip to 4 weeks later when I finally got out of the hospital. Nothing much happened there anyway, just a lot of catching up with mom, Sana's mom, and Sana, and Claire joins us all the time because she had no one to be with her. I also had to be checked by doctors every single day so that they will be able to know if I was getting better day by day, until one day, they said that I was good to go, so they gave me the hospital bills, and I paid without a problem, then I was discharged.

We were in one of my SUVs, one of my guards were driving. We were on the way back to the mansion. Damn, I really miss my bed. Especially the one who sleeps there with me. Also, I found out that Sana left Twice, and it literally broke my heart, but I clearly understood the situation. Still! Damn it! I still couldn't take it in! Anyway, we stopped by Claire's house so she could go home. Once we were there, she went out and looked back to give us a smile.

"Thank you for the ride," Claire said, then I nodded at her and said, "Anytime, Claire. Take a good rest. So, you gonna go to work tomorrow?" She put both of her thumbs up and said, "Of course!" she said in an enthusiastic tone, then she added, "I missed working, and I really, really need to do something," before she put her thumbs down. "Alright, well I'll see you there," I said with a smile. "Yes, sir!" she replied, then I cringed. I got used to how she calls me by my name.

We said our goodbyes, and then headed home. Soon, we were already at the gates of the mansion. The gates were opened by the guards, then I saw all of them through the windows almost about to cry. Why though? Did they really miss me that much, or do they hate the fact that I am back? Nah, just kidding. I love these people. They had been loyal to me, and I became close to them. They're not just guards. They're family. They kept the mansion free from dangers, and so they deserve the respect that I give them.

The SUV stopped right in front of the mansion's front stairs. I went out of the car before all of them because I was too excited. I closed my eyes and then I inhaled deeply, savoring the smell of the flowers from the nearby garden, the radiant heat of the sun that was warming me up, and the soft breeze that was brushing against my skin... and my unruly hair... and my thick facial hair... damn I just realized that I really need to look handsome for Sana. I missed her so much, and I...

I suddenly felt someone hug me from behind. "I really missed doing this to you," she said. I figured that it was Sana who hugged me. "Hey! Let us join the group hug!" Sana's mom said, then she and my mom hugged along with us. I looked around and saw the guards and the maids looking at us happily. Some were crying, some were smiling like proud mothers. After our group hug, I invited them all to approach me, then one by one, I gave them hugs.

"Welcome back, sir!"

"We missed you, sir!"

"We're glad to have you back, sir!"

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