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Sana's POV:

September, 2019
Days after the release of Feel Special

We had just finished showcasing "Feel Special" and Once truly loved it and it was such a sight to see them singing and dancing along to us. It's a feeling that I'll never get used to, and I'm glad that I won't get used to it. It feels brand new every single time, and it's amazing. Jihyo was the one who spoke for us, saying her thank yous, goodbyes, and goodnights to all of the Once who were there to witness our performance.

It was yet another tiring day for all of us. As soon as we got inside of the van, all of us immediately just went as if we were wilted flowers. Such is the life of an idol. But we love it. I checked my phone and saw that Y/n left a sent me a message just a few minutes ago. I smiled as soon as I saw the content of the message.

"Hey, darling~ I'm still here at the office, working my butt off. I hope you had a nice day! Was it exhausting? I'm sure it was. Make sure that you can get a good rest, okay? I love you so much!"

He sent it with a photo of him inside an empty meeting room, seeming to get ready for another one of his meeting with other rich people. He looked so handsome wearing his formal black coat and a red necktie to match. Damn. Looking sharp, my love! Of course, I sent a reply to his message with my own sweetness and a picture.

"Hi, love! Yep, it was an exhausting day for us. However, we are already on our way home. I hope you get home safe. You have a meeting tonight? Goodluck! Mwah!"

Then I sent him a photo of me and the sleeping girls behind me, then I got an immediate reply from him.

"Aww. You guys really look tired tonight. But beautiful, nonetheless. Especially you. Yes, I have a meeting 7:00 this evening. I'm actually in Hong Kong right now."

Hong Kong? That's so sudden. However, he's a man of business, and I'm sure those sudden flights to other countries happen really often, especially in big companies. So, I replied to him once again.

"Oh? You're in Hong Kong? I see. Take care, okay? Once you're done with the meeting, just send me a message. Do you want me to wait for you?"

I'm very tired right now, but I'm more than willing to wait for him all night long just to have a short conversation like this. Soon, I received a reply from him.

"Nope, my princess. Rest for now. I know you had an exhausting day, so you have to rest early. Consider your health, too, okay? I'd be very happy as your boyfriend, and as a fan, if you take care of yourself. Also, don't forget to have dinner. Take care of the other members. They seem to be tired, too."

I smiled, thinking that he really cares for my health, and also the other members. He's so caring. And if it would make him happy, then I'll be so glad to do it. I replied to him once again.

"Thank you, my love! I will take care of my health, but of course you have to do the same, okay? Once we get home, I'll help Jeongyeon and Jihyo to prepare our food, then we will rest and go to bed early. Goodluck on your meeting, okay? Mwah!"

I sent another picture of me pouting with my eyebrows raised. My gosh! I'm so cute! I got another reply from him with a picture.

"Very good! Of course I'll do the same. Now, I have to prepare. The clients are already downstairs. I should be ready when they arrive. I love you so much! Have a good night!"

With that, the van stopped and we were already at the dorm. Well that was quick. I didn't even get to take a short nap! Well, that's fine because I got to have a little chat with Y/n.

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