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"Wherever You Are" has now reached its end.

First of all, I want to thank you all so much for staying ever since the very first chapter, and even in this author's note. Really, I thank you all so much! I had some trouble, and this story, along with "Don't Cry... Goodbye" had experienced a hiatus, but with all honesty, I enjoyed writing this story so much, especially with the feedback that I've been getting.

You see, I never thought that I would even reach a hundred followers, but then here I am, already at 200, and that's all because of you guys. The only way that I could repay you is by pursuing writing stories, and giving you guys more books to read. I'll be better soon, guys. I promise that. Someday, I'll be able to sell my books, and I'll be successful in this passion of mine.

But I need you guys. None of this would've been possible without any of you. I love you all so much, from the bottom of my heart. I'll never, ever, be able to forget how you guys paved a path for me. So, once again, thank you all so much for being here to continuously support me, even when I became inconsistent a few months ago. You guys are the best! Truly.

I hope you appreciate this author, just as much as this author appreciates all of you.

Special thanks to my girlfriend for sticking with me through good and bad times. She did a big part on making me continue to write this story once again. The way she reads and votes and just tells me that I did a good job, it just helped me out a lot. She just never left my side. It is so hard to write stories in an uncomfortable place, but because of her, I managed. So, my love, thank you so much, and I love you with all of my heart.

Oh, and yeah, if you want to meet her, please visit her YouTube account, "Nelmae Manatad" hihi. I just want to help her out just like she helps me. Thank youuu!!

So, yeah, I hope all of you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed building the plot inside this brain of mine, and typing the words down. I had a good run with this story. I think I'm kind of inproving. Hehehe. And with that, "Wherever You Are" is finally over.

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