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Y/n's POV:
September, 2019
7 years after Sana left

My phone's alarm went off. I sat up, frustrated, thinking everything was real. Turns out all of those things was just a dream. Now, it's time to, once again, live my life in the real world. Turns out, all of those things were just too good to be true. I know that. But I never would've wanted to wake up. If only I could sleep forever. I would. But still, I have a cafe to run. I have customers to serve. But most importantly, I have to care for my mom. She's all that I have.

"7 years, and counting, Sana," I muttered. Yeah, it's true that we were the best of friends, and that I confessed right before she left. Everything was true. But ever since then, I kept on dreaming about her, every single day. It kills me.

I went out of my room and headed to mom's room. I knocked twice and pushed the door open. I saw that she's already awake. "Good morning, mom," I said with a bright smile, not showing the disappointment on my face because of waking up from a wonderful dream. Mom smiled at me and said, "Who are you?" and yes, she has Alzheimer's. She had gotten worse ever since she first got the disease. It was 2 years ago. Now, she can't even stand too much anymore, and anytime I go to work, a caretaker comes over to help me out.

It was so painful every single time she forgets that I am her son, but I have to be strong for her. Even when she's at the worst stage of Alzheimer's. But She's strong enough, so she won't be gone! She can make it! I know she can. I fed mom, and right after that, I got prepared to go to the cafe and open it. I'm just glad that it's working well, and soon I'll be able to have another branch opened up near universities because students really love hanging out at cafes.

I left the house as soon as the caretaker arrived. I told her to take good care of my mom before I left, and then I took my bicycle from the garage and then rode 5 kilometers to the cafe. I have the money to buy a motorcycle or a car, but I've been saving money for my mom. I can't afford to lose her now, because she's literally everything that I have. As soon as I got to the cafe, I unlocked the door, swept the floor, then I got the place ready for a day of work, work, and work.

After hours of working and serving a moderate amount of people, I received a call from the caretaker. It's the first time I got a call from her, so this might be important. I answered the call and my heart dropped when she said, "Sir, your mom! S-She's not in her room!" My head wanted to explode in anger, but I composed myself. "Call the police, she couldn't have gone far!" I said, anger evident in my voice, but I kept my cool. I can't flip out now. I looked around the cafe and saw that all the customers had left.

Immediately, I closed the cafe and rode my bike 5 kilometers back home again. I didn't see mom anywhere on my way home, but the police were patrolling though. Lots of them are searching. It had been 2 hours, and eventually, I got tired of waiting due to being so worried. I took my bike and just rode wherever I felt like going, until I reached the city just before dark, but still, I had no idea where mom went. My tears made it hard for me to see, but I just kept on going, until I heard a loud crash from a distance.

I don't know why, but a part of me just knew that something really bad happened. My heart felt even more heavier. My tears were uncontrollable and yet I kept on riding to the place where the loud crash came from. People were clamoring, smoke was rising from the sidewalk, yet I couldn't see what happened because of all the people who were at the site. I made my way through, squeezing in between the people, and even pushed some out of my way just so that I could get past them and see what happened.

When I finally got in front, I saw a car that was rammed through an establishment, and then the next thing that I saw was an old woman on the ground, Her clothes were filled with holes, and I knew who she was, already. My mind became blank as I immediately ran towards her. "Mom..." was all that escaped my lips as I knelt beside her. "Mom?" I said, then my tears just fell down from my eyes as I pulled her bloodied head to my chest. She wasn't breathing anymore. "Mom? Please don't leave me," I muttered, my lips shaking.

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