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Y/n's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, being bit by countless mosquitoes. "Goddamn mosquitoes!!" I hissed, then I got up and flailed my arms all over the place. Finally, most of the mosquitoes stopped bothering me and I was able to calm down. "Jesus Christ, I can't stand being in this place!" I hissed again, careful not to wake Claire who was still fast asleep. I gave her my blanket so she wouldn't get mosquitoes all over her, and in return I became the one who was swarmed.

We have individual temporary shelters, which were banana leaves and sticks and vines that looks like little tents. I went to Claire's tent. I moved the banana leaf that served as the entrance, and then what I saw was Claire looking back at me, and I was legitimately shocked to my core, making me jump back and start to walk away. "Y/n, where are you going? Why'd you come to check on me?" I heard Claire ask from behind me. I looked back at her while scratching the back of my head.

"I was being swarmed by mosquitoes, so I checked on you to see if you were being bit, too," I said, then I asked her a question of my own, "How about you? Why are you still up?" She walked out of her tent with her blanket over her shoulders, then she walked towards me while saying, "I just couldn't sleep," before standing right in front of me and asking, "Mind if I come with you?" So I smiled and said, "Of course. I was just gonna walk down the shore. Y'know, just gonna listen to the waves."

We walked to the shore and started to walk, getting our feet soaked with the waves while the cold breeze touches our skin. "You're still thinking about Sana aren't you?" she suddenly asked out of nowhere. But, to be honest? She's right. "Of course, I am. Every second," I said, then I stopped walking, looked at the horizon, and then up at the moon. "I remember telling her, that just like the moon, I'll always be there with her. I'm sure that if she's finally awake, she'd be looking up at that same moon every single night, know that I'll be with her, always."

Claire suddenly placed her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a bit. "Y/n? We'll be out of here in no time. You'll see her again," she said, then I looked at her. She was looking at the moon with a smile on her face. She was the one who kept me alive. Not because she did almost all of the work, but because of the same positive vibe that she gives out, and with all honesty, it's almost the same with Sana. Claire just gives me hope that we will be rescued soon, even though it had already been two months.

"Claire?" I called her attention, then she looked at me with a "Hmm?". Her eyes glowed with the bright light of the moon. I just noticed how beautiful she looked. "Thank you," I said, then she looked at me in a confused way. "For...?" she asked, clearly confused. I just shook my head while smiling, then I shrugged it off and said, "Nothing. Don't mind it," so she giggled and shrugged her shoulders before looking up at the moon once again.

Another cold breeze passed by and it made me shiver. "Are you cold?" Claire asked, her tone filled with concern. "A little bit," I said, my chin shivering like a scared puppy. "Really?? You're shivering, mister! Why are you not wearing clothes, anyway??" she asked, then she made a clicking sound with her tongue. "I... umm..." I was thinking of an excuse when she suddenly placed half of her blanket over my shoulder and moved closer to me and I felt our arms touch.

"T-Thank you," I said, stuttering. Shit. "You're welcome," she said in a sweet tone. "I can't have the only man in this island sick," she added with a giggle. I smiled, deep in thought. She's the only person I've got now. I'm just glad that I ended up with her. At least there's no need for a getting to know each other. She suddenly asked me, "Do you sing, Y/n? It had already been a month since I last heard a song, and I just can't stand it anymore." I looked at her and said, "Just a little bit."

"Can you sing a song for the two of us?" she asked, then I shrugged my shoulders. "Of course," I replied, then I decided to sing All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran. It fits the mood. The sky was dark, the stars above us were shining bright, and the moon was glowing so beautifully. "I'm gonna sing All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran," I said, then she nodded. "That's a beautiful song. You're dedicating it to her, aren't you?" she asked, then I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am," I said, then I started to sing.

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