Field Trip

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A/N This chapter includes Ironstrange, mild language and Peter winning literally everyone over. Hope you enjoy, because this is almost 3000 words.

Peter felt so many emotions at once. He felt anxious, excited, and somewhat absolutely petrified. Anxious because he was going to a field trip with his class to Stark tower, excited because he wouldn't be called a liar anymore, and absolutely petrified of what Mr. Stark may do while he's there.

Peter listened to his teacher drone on about more details on the trip, but Peter just wanted to get his permission slip and go.

"Alright class. You are dismissed for the day, make sure to grab your permission slips on your way out. Also, Mr. Parker may I speak to you?" Soon the class sprang to life as they ran and grabbed their forms.

"Yes sir?" Peter said as he went up to his teacher.

"I've come to the attention that you have been faking a stark internship. If you would please just stop and save yourself from tomorrow." His teacher said.

Peter looked at him. 'well. guess my own teachers don't believe me. Makes this trip even better.'

"Sir, I'm not lying. I really do have an internship and-"

"That's enough Peter. If you refuse to admit you lied, I'll just laugh along with your peers." His teacher said before waving him off.

Peter then sighed before making his way to his locker. Quickly putting away some stuff and grabbing a few things he closed it once more. His spidey-senses went off as he heard footsteps quickly approaching. Peter turned just in time to see Flash Tompson reel his fist back. Peter ran off and out of the school but not before hearing "You can't even tell the truth to the teacher. Just you wait Penis Parker!"

"Just you wait Flash Tampon." Peter muttered. Peter then ran to the hundai that Tony's bodyguard, Happy Hogan, drove.

"Hi happy! You will not believe the day I had!" The two continued on the road to stark tower. Happy was annoyed for the majority of the trip, but wouldn't lie when he would say he was fond on the boy.

As soon as the tower was reached, Peter said a quick goodbye to Happy and leaped into the tower. Peter walked through the tower, waving to a couple of interns and scientists on the way. (Them waving back of course). He quickly hopped into the elevator making it to the penthouse floor.

"Dear lord Mr.Stark! Have I got news for you! So I was at school-" Peter said as he came bursting through the door, not noticing the other people sitting with him.

"Stark? Who's the kid?" Captain America, or Steve said.

"-and even my teacher doesn't believe me! It's crazy!" He continued, somehow not hearing him.

"Kid" Tony started.

"and then Flash was like-"

"Kid!" Tony said louder.

"and boom!"


"Yes Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.

"I'd like you to meet the Avengers." Tony continued.

Peter then decided to look towards the sitting area to see all of his childhood heroes. Peter then had an internal freak-out before exclaiming "OH MY GOD ITS CAPTAIN AMERICA! You were my hero growing up! And Black Widow! You're like the coolest girl in the world! And Hawkeye! Holy crap what's the farthest you can shoot an arrow? AND ITS THOR OH MY GOD! How many people can hold that hammer of yours? AND ITS-"

"The Hulk, I know." Bruce banner continued.

"yeah but YOUR BRUCE BANNER! YOUR WORK ON GAMMA RADIATION IS AMAZING! I've read all your books! It really inspire me! Though one of equations, your missing the mass of the subject so that ended in a miss-calculation, and now you're, you know, Hulk." Peter said excitedly bouncing around like a five year old.

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