Hogwarts AU

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A/N before I start on the requests i had this in my mind ever since I read it on Tumblr. Peter is trans but is questioning.

"Have fun at school Peni!" Aunt May shouted as the train made its way out of the station. Peni smiled and waved as they shipped off, and she quickly went back into her seat. Peni reached into her bag and brought out the uniform. She took one look at the skirt and immediately cringed at it. She hated wearing feminine clothes and was confused as to why. Sometimes she felt as though her body wasn't her own.

Peni looked at herself when her uniform was finally placed, again feeling the same discomfort as before. Peni only sighed and wait. The students arrived at Hogwarts and were placed in their respective houses. Peni approached the sorting hat, anxiety literally radiating off of her. As in purple lines came off of her. Aunt May sent her to Hogwarts when she realized Peni's feelings greatly affected the area around her, and only wanted her to control it. Peni wondered what house she was going to be sorted into, and only hopped that it would be one he'd be welcome in.

"Ah I see. This one's courageous, cunning and resourceful, very intelligent, as well as kind, dedicated, and patient. You'd be a nice fit for any house." The sorting hat spoke, shaking Peni's head as it moved.

"Just one I'll be welcome in. Please." Peni whispered, barely loud enough to hear.

"That decides it. Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat shouted before Peni sat down at her house. The group welcomed her warmly as she sat down, patting her back and passing her some food.

Later the first years were introduced and settled into the dorms.

"Oh and if you try to go to the dorm for the incorrect gender, it'll slide you right back down." The prefect said, demonstrating as his foot was placed on the stairs, immediately turning into a slide.

The group sat in the common room and the topic of going up the stairs came up.

"Whoever gets the farthest gets ten bucks from each person!" One of the older students yelled.

"Erold and I can wait at the top." One of the girls said, then making her way up the stairs.

"Peni! You should try!" Erold said from the top of the stairs.

"I don't know..." Peni said, seeing as how people never made it more than five steps.

"It'll be fun!" A boy name Connor said.

"Alright." Peni sighed before taking a step into the boys steps. She took another. And another. And another until she was at the top of the stairs. She quietly whispered to herself "I knew it."

"Oh wait. You're like, trans?" Erold questioned as he heard Peni speak under her breath. Peni slowly nodded, realizing what she had been missing all along. No. What he had been missing.

"I finally know." Peni whispered, tearing up at the thought.

"Oh we're totally giving you a makeover." Erold said as he dragged Peni back downstairs. "Alright everyone! We have discovered Peni is is trans and we're all going to supportive and give him a makeover!"

"Oh! I know how to cut hair!" A girl named Jaiden yelled out.

"I have an extra robe that might fit him!" Connor yelled.

Soon everyone was huddled around, and the question came up about his name.

"Uh, I'm not sure." Peni said, still flushed from the amount of support he was getting.

"Taylor?" Erold suggested.

"No still sounds like a girls name." Peni said.

"What about Peter?" Connor said, fixing up Peni's jacket and suit, as well as his binder one of them made.

"I like that." Peni whispered.

"Peter it is!" Erold yelled, putting Peter in front of a mirror.

"How are you feeling there Peter?" Connor asked, fixing his now short hair a little.

"I feel like me." Peter said before he started sobbing. The group hugged him and he thanked them continuously.

Three years later one of his friends figured out how to change his gender with a potion. The potions teacher, Professor Stark, helped after finding the student in his lab. After the explanation they made the potion and Peter drank it. He finally became who he was, and loved that thought. His time at Hogwarts was better than it ever could have been.

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