Lightly Shot with a Gun

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A/N Hope you enjoy! Wanted to add a little more Flash into this one. Sorry for both of today's chapters being so short.

Word Count:838

Now that it was known to the school that Peter got stabbed and shot on nearly a weekly basis, people would question what he does. Others would ask it the morning if he was injured or not. Even his teacher asked. Some people thought he was in a gang, some thought he robbed banks. MJ just speculated if he was Spider-man. Then one morning when he stopped an out-of-nowhere robbery, he had got shot in the process and had to try and hide it from his school until lunch. All he had to do was sit at the back. Now because of his Parker Luck he got stuck in the middle of everyone, wearing light coloured jean shorts as blood was starting to seep through his bandages.

"Mr. Parker! The daily question, any injuries today?" His teacher asked.

Peter if coursed lied. "No. Wasn't out last night."

"Yeah no." MJ started, "That's the face you make when you lie. What's the injury?" Mj questioned glaring at Peter.

If there was one thing the school knew, is that when he was caught lying by MJ he'd always tell her the truth.

"I'm...injured..." Peter said quietly. "But nothing too serious! I can handle it at lunch!"

"Peter. How bad is it." MJ said sternly.

"I was lightly shot with a gun?" Peter chuckled nervously as his class stared at him.

"PETER! Oh my god we're going to the hospital!" His teacher screamed out.

"Uh, no. My one rule is no hospitals. I can handle it myself with some help except Ned isn't here today. So uh, could someone maybe help me?" Peter asked while looking around the classroom. People seemed to have avoided eye contact with him and it made him nervous.

"I need to continue with the lesson." His teacher sighed out. "Flash, go help Peter."

"Oh hell no!" Flash exclaimed, but was quickly shit down with a glare from the teacher.

"It'll be fine." Peter said, smiling at Flash.

"You're doing this to torcher me, aren't you?" Flash asked.

"You'd be the one shot if I wanted to torcher you." Peter joked, now sitting on a chair. He pulled out his medical kit and got to work feeling around the wound while Flash sat beside him. The teacher just continued the lesson while the two got to work.

"So what's the verdict?" Flash asked trying not to throw up.

"The bullet split into six shards so i'm gonna have to dig them out." Peter said grabbing two sets of gloves and two sets of tweezers.

"And I have to?" Flash questioned, accidentally looking at the wound again then gagging.

"You, have to hold it open so i can actually get it out." Peter said calmly, giving Flash the gloves and tweezers.

"Oh god this is disgusting." Flash said gagging again. Peter guided Flashes tweezers to hold open the wound.

"You're doing great. Just hold, yeah just like that." Peter said now putting his own gloves on. He got to work and had already dug out one shard, placing it on a tray he had. "So what's it like at home?" Peter asked hoping to distract him.

"Uh my dad," Flash started gagging for the third time that day "My dad just opened another business, and, uh.." Flash said starting to stutter.

"Keep going you're doing great." Peter encouraged, silently cheering as he got the third shard out.

"He's thinking of letting me work there?" Flash practically questioned. "But I'm not sure if I'm exactly ready for it."

"You never know unless you try." Peter said getting the fourth one out.

"But what if I disappoint him?" Flash questioned, not focusing on the blood anymore.

"You'll disappoint him more for not trying." Peter said getting the fifth shard out.

"I guess you're right. How are you holding up with like the wound and such?" Flash questioned.

"Not gonna lie, in excruciating pain right now, but I've got it out!" Peter cheered setting the final shard down.

"Oh thank god." Flash said removing his tweezers.

"Can you pass me that needle?" Peter asked pointing to the table. Flash nodded and watched as Peter did the first stitch.

"Can you, uh, teach me how to do a stitch?" Flash asked quietly.

"Oh sure! Just take this and dig it in like I did." Peter said passing him the needle. "Just go in carefully, just like that, and come out the other side." Peter watched as Flash carefully and delicately put the needle through and brought it up.

"Is it good?" Flash asked.

"Yep! Now tie it and cut it." Peter said. Flash did it and Peter reapplied his bandages. "Good job! Thanks for the help man."

Flash smiled back, and the two went back to the lesson and such. At lunch Flash spoke to Peter and said that he could help if Ned wasn't around again. Who knew the way to get those two to stop fight was for Peter to get shot. Funny concept isn't it?

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