Soul Stone

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A/N This is where Peter sees what's inside of the Soul Stone, and sees what it can do to people. Keep in mind i'm open for requests as I'm running out of ideas. Just comment or pm :D.

Word count: 711

Peter felt as he passed out from the snap. He felt his legs blow into the air, and his arms no longer be his own. He felt the anguishing pain as he disappeared, from the ground, and from Tony. Peter cursed at himself. He realized what he left Tony with. He realized that Tony would remember him by begging and pleading not to go.

"Please Mr. Stark I don't want to go," Peter remembered vividly. He pealed his eyelids open, to see a vast orange sky reflected in a crystal clear water. No sounds were made, and the silence seemed deafening. He saw planets and stars dotted in what seemed like an early morning sunset, reminding him of his early morning patrols as Spider-man. Peter perked his head up hearing shouting in the distance, similar to the ones on Titan that were with him. He ran towards the voices, panicking at the thought of being alone in this deafening silence. He quickly saw figure appear on the horizon, identifying as Doctor Strange, most of The Guardians, Bucky, King T'Challa, Shuri, Nick Fury, Flacon, and Wanda. Peter sobbed in relief and ran faster as he saw people for the first time in what seemed like months. "Guys!" Peter cries out, waving his hand wildly.

"Uh...who are you?" Wanda questions.

"Oh right! I'm Spider-man." He replies realizing his mask was off.

"Oh you're that kid!" Wanda says in realization. "You did really well at the airport." Peter smiled at her while he looked to the rest of the group, quickly realizing they were bickering.

"What are they fighting about?" Peter asked Wanda.

"Trying to come up with a plan." Wanda answered. "It's not working so far. Strange just tells them they're wrong, Nick Fury keeps blaming them, T'Challa and Shuri are having their own conversation, the Guardians as the call them selves are arguing with falcon even though they know nothing about the situation. Bucky is Bucky and is neutral about the whole thing. I'd say it's going great so far." Wanda the chuckled at her own sarcasm even though Peter knew deep down she was terrified about not getting out of the predicament they were in. The group did eventually come up with the plan to keep walking in one direction to see if they could find anything but water. During that time Peter managed to introduce himself and surprised the group of super heroes with the age his while Spider-man dilemma started. But soon enough, the group only started bickering again.

"I don't see why you couldn't just portal us out of here!" Peter Quill shouted at Dr. Strange.

"How many times do I have to tell you! We are in a dimensional rift! Which means to this world, Earth doesn't technically exist! Neither do any of the other planets!" Strange yelled out. Peter quickly clamped his ears shut as the noise was getting to him.

"Guys?" Peter whispered.

They continued to yell.

"Guys." Peter spoke.

The yelling escalated.

"Guys!" Peter yelled out at the group.

"What? What is it Peter?" Strange asked angrily as he whipped around. "You know what? I don't want to hear it. We don't need some sixteen year old butting in! The adults are talking!"

"17." Peter muttered.

"What?" Quill asked sounding just as annoyed.

"I'm 17. My birthday was today." Peter spat out and spun around. He stalked away slowly, ignoring the shouts of protest. Wanda quickly followed behind him and blocked the others from getting near them.

"Happy birthday." Wanda said quietly, facing Peter and hugging him.

Peter only sobbed into her shoulder and hugged back tightly, relishing the feeling of human contact. Peter quickly whipped his tears away and smiled at Wanda. "Buckle up. We still have walking to do." He said before marching off in a direction.

"What do you thin we'll find?" Wanda questioned, playing with the water using her powers.

"I'm not sure. But our only hope is to walk." Peter replied, kicking at the water surrounding his feet.

And that's what they did. They walked. And walked. And walked. For five years. When they arrived back on ground in their actual bodies, they felt relieved. But little did they know, it got worse from there.

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