Marvel Horror Story

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A/N This was requested by someone, (I can't find their name so if you did please tell me,) a Tumblr prompt once again! Sorry for such a late update, I've been in New York and school in the past week, so it's been hectic. istg I've been in school for four days and I already have a quiz, six projects and planning coming. I'm dying already ;-;

Word Count: 821

It was a cold and dark night for Tony. The coldest day of the year. Snow was falling, and he was alone in his lab after he sent Peter to bed. Why he didn't know, was it was January. That meant Exam Week. The week where teens don't sleep, don't eat, and their coffee runs red with caffeine. Before Peter headed to his room, he managed to snag two bottles of five hour energy, a pound of coffee beans, three cans of Red Bull, and twenty six chocolate bars. All Peter needed to do was study tonight and survive tomorrow, then he would be fine.

So here he is, sitting in his room, as he just finished the Red Bull, Five Hour Energy, and chocolate. He was currently on his twentieth cup of coffee, about a quarter way through. A few hours later, specificities four A.M., Peter had consumed enough caffeine to energize the entire US military. In other words, he was ready to die yet ready to run a marathon all at the same time. You may say your kid is climbing up the walls, but Peter was doing it literally while demon crawling.

Now we cut back to our lovely Tony Stark, working away in his lab. Hunched over, welding, and not expecting strange sounding footsteps to be heard all over the place. He brushed it off for the moment, before hearing them for five straight minutes.

"Who's there?" Tony shouted searching the room, yet finding nothing. "Clint, I swear to god this isn't funny."

"Clint is asleep sir." Friday said from above.

"Shit. Wake up the Avengers and get them to the living room." Tony said now panicked and speed-walking to the living room. Eventually everyone arrived, and Tony started. "There's something in the building and I have no clue what. It sounds like it's on four legs but I have no clue."

"Tony? Buddy? Are you sure you aren't hallucinating?" Cap said, chuckling lightly.

"Fuck no. There is something out there!" Tony shouted.

"Alright. Well I'm heading to bed. Goodnight!" Clint said while yawning.

"I'm following the old man." Peitro spoke before following suit. "Night losers!"

"Come on Vis." Wanda said. Vision nodded and followed.

Eventually everyone headed their separate ways, unbeknownst to one Peter Parker crawling in the ceiling, eyes wide and bulged, hands twisted strangely.

Natasha stood at her door, impatient as it wouldn't open no matter what she did. "Friday?" She asked. "Why isn't my door opening?"

"It seems my connection to all upper floor technology has been severed. I will attempt to get it back online soon Miss Romanov." Friday responded. So Natasha sat there, waiting. Footsteps slowly came towards her, eerily and echoing through the hallway. Natasha slowly looked around, on edge from the sudden noise. She turned hearing a loud thump, only to see what she could only identify as a terrifying creature, four legs sprouting from the side and beady eye glowing in the harsh moonlight. Natasha did the only rational, sleep-deprived thing she could think of at that point. Run.

Clint and Peitro were both trying to get in their rooms, pulling and tugging in the doors to no avail. But because they were dumbasses, they didn't think to ask Friday.

"Can't you like ram into it really fast?" Clint questioned for the fourth time.

"For the last time, no! Super speed doesn't work like that!" Peitro responded.

Just then, rapid shuffling noises were heard from down the hallway. Peitro and Clint both slowly turned their gaze towards the end, and looked shocked seeing a disfigured form lurking in the shadows. Nothing could be seen. No features, no arms, and no legs. Clint screamed before jumping into Peitro's arms.

Clint took one look at Peitro and said, "You didn't see that coming!" Before Peitro took off, away from the form.

Slowly Peter made his way around the building, managing to scare all but one back to the living room.

Tony sat once again in his lab, paranoid of the monster lurking in the shadows. He slowly got back to work, before hearing shuffling again. He slowly picked up one of his repulsers, before standing up. "Whoever's there, come out!" He shouted.

The shuffling stopped, then continued rapidly and charged at Tony. Tony immediately freaked out and booked it to the living room, to see all of the Avengers standing in a circle ready to attack. Tony joined before the shuffling came to the living room.

"Shit. Guess you weren't hallucinating." Steve said.

"No shit!" Thor said.

The shuffling surrounded the group, until a loud, "Systems back online." Blasted through the room. The light were switched on to reveal Peter demon crawling on the wall.

"Peter?" Tony questioned.

Peter then snapped his head up, before screaming "GIVE ME THE CHILDREN TO FEAST UPON!" Before chasing all of the Avengers around.

Horror Story. What else is there to say?

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