Peter. No.

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A/N Peter still has a skull and vertebrae, as well as a ribcage because he is still human and kept those parts. I'd like to thing he still has joints, but thats about it. This in no way is physically possible and I somewhat regret writing this.

When Peter was bitten by the radioactive spider, his dna merged. With that came the power to stick to walls, super strength, enhanced senses, and accelerated healing. But what if he gains the physical attribute of no bones? I'd like to thank tumblr for this chapter as that's where I got the prompt from.

Peter frustratedly paced his room, rubbing his stinging hand. He huffed in annoyance as this was the twenty-third time it stung. You'd think something happening almost two years ago would disappear, right? Not for Peter. The bite still stung from time to time. After the pain ceased every time, he woke up with another spider-like attribute. He wondered what it would be this time. Peter soon woke up the next morning, feeling weird. Not the usual pit-in-the-stomach weird, but physically weird. Peter sat up, and felt as if there were missing bones in his body. Peter then groaned and realized that spiders don't have bones, and he prayed to god that he did not pick up that physical attribute.

Peter only went on with his day and decided that he'd check it out when he went to the tower for the internship. He quickly realized how munch lighter you are when it feels like your bones are missing.

"Dude. You look like a ghost. What happened?" His best friend, Ned Leeds asked.

"Every once and a while, the spider bite acts up and I gain a new attribute as you know. I don't think I have many bones in my body at the moment." Peter replied, somewhat panicking on the inside.

"So do you have an exoskeleton now?" Ned asked, intrigued by the new discovery.

"Maybe??? My skin and muscles seem to be doing the job, but I don't know what to do. I'll ask Bruce when I go over tonight." Peter replied, pulling at his skin.

As the day progressed, gym quickly approached. Turns out they were testing flexibility, for quote unquote 'fun'. Peter dreaded this day because he couldn't even touch his toes. Little did he know, lack of bones apparently makes your ten times more flexible.

"Alright! Up against the wall! I want you all to bend down as far as you can go without bending your knees!" The gym teacher shouted out while blowing his whistle. Peter ran with the group of students to the wall, Ned by his side. Peter braces himself for falling over when he bent, but surprised himself when he just kept going. He didn't even feel the stretch, so he kept going until his nose made contact with the wall.

"Uh Peter? What the fuck." Ned said as Peter made contact with the wall, freaked out by the sudden flexibility.

"I'm scared." Peter said.

"Because you're touching the wall?" He asked.

"No, because I think I can keep going." Peter replied. And true to his word, he kept going until his shoulders were through his legs.

"Oh dear lord. Peter, you look so inhuman right now and I think you're freaking the class out." Ned spoke, laughing through the freakiness of the situation.

Peter only stared at Ned, also freaked out by his new talent. "I think I'm stuck." He said blankly, wiggling and trying to get out of his predicament.

"Oh boy." Ned said before helping Peter.

The gym teacher took no mind to it, and told the student to line up and go as far down as they could and do the splits. Peter quickly dropped down, and effortlessly did the splits.

"Oh my god. It's only getting worse." Ned face palmed, not even surprised. Peter started lifting his leg and he almost did a 90 degree angle with his legs.

As Peter was lifting, he only continuously cursed "WhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCK." over and over again as his leg went further and further up.

"Peter? I'd like to ask how are you doing that but I'm terrified to find out." His classmate Betty asked.

"Even I'm not sure." Peter replied, still holding his leg. Just then Flash walked by and saw Peter in the position he was in.

"Okay I know I make fun of you a lot, but now I'm just terrified. What the absolute fuck Parker?" Flash asked as he looked at Peter, his knee almost connected to his forehead.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I have no clue." Peter replied once again.

"Hey! Everyone stop talking to- Peter what?" His gym teacher said as he stumbled into the conversation. Peter looked at his teacher, confusion written on the both of their faces. "I'm not even going to ask. Not today Satan."

After gym and a class or two more, Peter made it to Happy's car and started making his way to the tower. Still freaked out from the events in gym, he started talking to Happy.

"Happy, I think I'm missing some bones in my body, and now I'm inhumanly flexible." Peter said for the first time in their car ride.

"Like, one in a couple people flexible, or just you flexible?" Happy questioned, looking at the boy through the mirror.

"Just me." Peter said as he took his leg and put it behind his head, knee bending in the wrong direction.

"OH DEAR LORD." Happy screamed looking at the boy's knee. "NOT TODAY!" Happy then rolled up the decider and Peter was left sitting there with his foot on his back.

The pair made it to the tower and Happy shoved Peter to Bruce. "X-ray him. Now." Happy said, further shoving him to the designated room.

Bruce complied, and x-rated him. When the results were shown, and looked at Peter before saying "You only have a spine, ribcage, and skull. Peter, what even..?" Bruce questioned.

"I gained another attribute of a spider, and that involves no bones. At least I'm super flexible now." Peter grinned then went off to find Tony in his lab.

"Good afternoon Mr. Stark!" Peter cheered as he entered. Tony nodded and quickly showed Peter what he was working on with the suit. The two quickly got to work until dinner, which they both happily complied and went upstairs to the dining room. Pizza was set up in the living room for what Peter assumed was a movie night.

"I wonder who the most flexible person in this room is?" Bruce questioned not-so-subtly.

"It's Natasha. I'd bet money on it." Clint said confidently.

"I would too." Tony agreed.

"I bet it's Peter." Bruce said, winking at the boy.

Peter sighed mentally realizing what Bruce was doing. The group minus Bruce all bet on Natasha being the most flexible, while Bruce bet on Peter.

"Alright! Line up and touch your toes you two!" Tony cheered, 'knowing' that Peter couldn't even do that. Bruce only sipped his tea as he watched Peter do exactly that.

"Wait what?" Clint asked. "Go further???" He asked. Peter kept going while Natasha had to stop when her head was through her legs.

"What the fuck?" Steve said as Peter's shoulders were through his legs.

"Splits go!" Thor yelled. The two quickly dropped into the splits.

"Can you go over the splits?" Wanda asked, appearing behind the couch.

The two started lifting their legs, Natasha stopping in a few inches while Peter kept going. Happy then walked in on the scene and saw Peter holding his leg up.

"Peter! Do what you did in the car!" Happy shouted out passing by.

Peter quickly bent his knee the incorrect way, the group around him backing away minus Natasha.

"Peter! What the fuck!" Tony yelled. Peter then abruptly stood up.

"You know what Spiders don't have? BONESSSS." Peter yelled out before folding himself backwards and chasing everyone around.

The school was terrified. The Avengers were terrified. Even his friends were. But Peter only used that to freak out the muggers and robbers he faced. It was terrifying.

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