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A/N Thank you to @rivvey for the idea in this chapter, though I did adapt it a little bit :D. Minor torture warning, minor language warning.

Word count: 1093

Peter chuckled as baby powder sprayed out from Natasha's hair dryer. Peter then sat down in the living room of the compound, waiting to see the masterpiece he created. What came out was Peitro covered in feathers, Tony with red hair and gold confetti all over him, Stephen's 'cloak' was made into a dress, Natasha was covered in baby powder, Clint came out with a neon pink set of bow and arrows, Bruce was painted green, Wanda was tangled in red string, Steve was in his underwear and paint was pointing to his ass saying 'that's America's ass', Bucky had princess magnets all over his arm and Thor had a fabulous looking Mjolnir in his hands.

Peter burst out laughing before yelling "Happy April fools! I've got patrol!" and leaped out of the open window leaving his frustrated relatives behind.

"Damnit." Tony said, before heading to the shower to was out the hair dye and glitter.

"Clean up everyone, then we'll have breakfast and punish Peter when he gets back." Steve said, sighing trying to get the itchy paint off of his back.

"Thank god this only goes until noon." Tony sighed out.

Peter relished the feeling of the wind as he swung through the city, looking at all the dumb pranks people were pulling. Soon a scream was heard, and Peter swung towards it. He saw a young lady and a mugger in a small alleyway.

"You know, even this is external for a prank." Peter said as he approached the two. The mugger quickly spun around, and Peter only webbed him to the wall.

"Thank you so much!" The woman yelled, running and hugging Peter.

"Uh, you're welcome." Peter said hugging back.

"April fools." The woman said evilly as Peter felt a prick in his neck and fell, paralyzed and unable to move. "We got him. Bring him in. Operation Spider Venom phase two complete."

"Hang on Peter. I'm contacting Mr. Stark right now." Karen said as he was shoved into van at the end of the alley.

"What is it Peter?" Mr. Stark said as he picked up the call.

"Sir, Peter has been paralyzed and kid napped while on patrol. He needs assistance." Karen said desperately.

"Nice try Peter. Just get back before one please." Tony said hanging up directly after.

'Crap crap crap crap crap.' Peter thought. As soon as the people left him alone in the back, Peter managed to stutter out, "K-Karen. C-call T-T-Tony after n-noon,"

"Yes Peter." Karen said, clearly worried for the young boy.

"If it isn't Spider-Man." A voice spoke as he was shoved into a chair.

"It isn't." Peter said, as the paralyzer wore off.

"It is. And as soon as the clock hits twelve, the world will know who Spider-Man is. But first, we know you work with Stark. Where are the arc reactors?" The man spoke.

"I don't know." Peter spat out. Even if he was in a difficult situation, he would never betray Tony.

"Are you sure? Because we might not remove that mask of yours if you tell us." The man spat out.

"I'm sure I don't know." Peter said firmly, angering the man.

"Tell me!" The man screamed out as he punched Peter in the nose, making it bleed profusely.

Peter only glared at the man. "Fuck you."

"You'll regret that. Boys, you know what to do." The man said and left quickly, leaving three slightly smaller men behind. The three began to punch, kick, cut and burm Peter to extream extents. For three straight hours. He still wouldn't crack.

"You still won't crack. Ah, it's your funeral. Get ready, because you'll be known to the world in mere seconds!" The man cackled evilly.

"Contacting Mr. Stark." Karen said as noon came.

"Thanks Karen. If this goes bad, tell Mr. Stark I'm sorry." Peter said sadly. Peter saw a small video camera set up, with a small screen set up next to it.

"Peter what is it now?!" Tony yelled through the phone.

"Sir, Peter is in extream distress. He is severely injured and still kidnapped." Karen spoke, sounding as panicked as an AI could.

"Yeah right. Peter come back to the compound now." Tony said before hanging up.

"Tony, you might wanna see this!" Steve said, gesturing toward the living room. What was in the TV scared him shitless.

"You all have been hidden and in the dark about Spider-Man. Now you'll know the truth!" A man spoke through a video, out on the large screens in Times Square. The man stepped aside to see one Spider-Man, tied down to a chair, covered in blood from head to toe.

"He wasn't lying..." Tony whispered under his breath before attempting to track Peter's phonecall.

"And here is what you've all been waiting for! Your Spider-Man!" The yelled out as the mask was whipped off of Peter's face. What was revealed, was blood oozing out of his head, bruises littered all over it, and light burn marks on his neck.

"And I can assure you this isn't an April fools prank. It's past twelve, and would I do this for a prank?!" The man cackled our before shooting Peter in the shoulder. Blood soon began oozing out of the wound and Peter screamed in pain.

"I should have believed him!" Tony yelled out before exiting the building a going to where he picked the call up from.

The people in the square let out a collective gasp at the scene. Some cried, some scowled, and some only recorded the scene. The video quickly changed as a explosion rang out and Ironman came through the door.

"Took you long enough." Peter chuckled lightly, about to pass out from the amount of pain and blood loss.

"Too long. Kid, I'm so sorry. This is my fault." Tony said, forgetting the camera was still rolling. "Let's get you out of here."

The two soon made it back to the compound, and Peter quickly got fixed up.

"No more April Fools. This is too stressful." Tony spoke, chuckling through the panic. "What did they want anyways?"

"Arc reactors. They knew I knew where they were, but I wouldn't tell em'!" Peter shouted out triumphantly.

"Kid, you should've just given them the arc reactor location. Now you practically don't have a chance at a normal childhood." Tony said, sighing through his hands at the young boy's predicament.

"I'm just glad that's over." Peter said before going to sleep.

"Sleep well kid." Tony whispered and left the room.

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