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A/N Wow! 1000 view on the first chapter! and 8k in all, as well ass over 200 votes and 300 comments. I love this book so much. Is there anything I should do to celebrate?

Word Count: 534

Requested by: @1littlereader1

It was a normal night in the Avengers Tower. Most people were sleeping. Some were watching movies. And Tony was being a Vampire and working in his labs during the ungodly hours. Eventually the entire team minus Peter was up and grabbing a cliche midnight snack.

"Should I just make something?" Steve asked, now seeing almost the entire team up for food.

"Probably. I just came for coffee." Tony replied now sipping on a cup.

"Alright. I'm making smoothies and some yogurt for the side." Steve replied getting ingredients out of the fridge.

"Oooh yes! I love steve's smoothies!" Clint exclaimed, sitting down at the island in the kitchen. Soon the rest of the group settled down and were all getting ready to eat, when they heard footsteps.

"Maybe it's Peter. Friday?" Tony said, sipping on his coffee.

"Mr. Parker seems to be asleep but still moving." Friday replied, seemingly amused.

"Strange. Let me check it out." Natasha said, getting up from the counter. Now we cut to one Natasha Romanoff, in pyjama shorts and a t-shirt, exploring the hallways of the tower. "Baby spider?" She quipped. "Where are yoouuuu?"

Light snoring was echoing in the hallway, but she could see Peter at all. "Where could he have gone?" She questioned, looking around the hallway. Natasha soon turned back and sat at the table once again.

"You find him?" Bruce asked, sipping on a smoothie.

"No. I heard him, but I couldn't see him." Natasha replied, seemingly sceptical.

"I'm sure it's fine. Thor, why don't you try?" Tony asked.

"I shall find the young man of spiders! It shall be a price of cake!" Thor exclaimed, marching off to find Peter. Like before, he couldn't find him and came back with a sad look on his face.

"Well crap. This is becoming an actual problem." Steve said, setting down a smoothie in front of Tony and Natasha.

"Friday? Where's Peter?" Tony asked starting to panic.

"He's right where you're standing sir." Friday responded.

"Wait. Look up everyone." Tony sighed out before looking up to see a sleeping Peter walking on the ceiling.

"There's a Baby Spider on the ceiling. Fun." Clint said now wielding a broom.

"Peter!" Tony yelled out as Clint started poking him with a broom.

"Hold on, I got this." Bruce said before standing on the counter and yelling, "Peter you're late for school!"

"Ah! I'm up! I'm up!" Peter yelled out, now falling from the ceiling into Thor's arms.

"Peter did you know you sleep walked?" Natasha questioned.

"I do?" Peter said looking very confused as to why he fell and why he was now in Thor's arms.

"Yeah. You managed to climb onto the ceiling." Tony said, chuckling lightly.

"Oh fun. Anyways, goodnight. I am still very tired." Peter said before going to his room.

This was an event that would happen often at the tower. Clint would get him down with a broom. Nat would climb up there herself. Tony would just get Friday to do it. Thor would sometimes put is hammer on Peter. Bruce would just yell until he got up. All in all it freaked out guests who didn't know about the nimble arachnid.

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