Use Your Words

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A/N Peter is selectively mute, from a traumatic experience. Tony hasn't created Starkium yet, Peter is also much smarter than usual. Ned isn't his best friend either.

Word Count: 3141

Peter quickly entered his room using his window, while in his suit. He breathed in deeply, and sighed. Hearing a gasp behind him, he whipped around to see his aunt, looking at him, in his suit.

"What the fuck?" May said. Peter started shaking his hands frantically as he realized his aunt was starting to freak out. "Peter! I can't believe you! You are putting yourself and me in danger!" His ain't continued, even though Peter was frantically signing and trying to explain. "Is this why your uncle died? Was it because you put yourself in danger?! Use your words Peter!"

'I'm sorry,' Peter signed quickly, over and over again.

"I said use your words!" May yelled out. "You know what? If you can't even speak to me about these kinds of things, you may as well leave. Get out." She then turned and left Peter's room for him to pack. "You have twenty minutes!"

And twenty minutes later, Peter left with his backpack, a duffle bag, and what little money and food he could grab. Peter quickly headed towards his school, and climbed up to a rooftop without an entrance. He place his belongings down and got to work. Peter being mute, meant he couldn't really make friends, other than that MJ girl that sat at his table. They enjoyed each other's company, because they were both quiet and neither would ask pressing questions. He does remember one time though.

"So what's your deal?" MJ asked, turning to Peter. He quickly scribbled down in his notebook.

'I'm mute.' it read.

"Ah. Makes sense. Well just so you know, you're one of the few people that can keep me company without annoying me." She replied, turning back to the book in her hands.

Peter grabbed a cookie from his lunch and held it out to MJ. She took it and thank him, and Peter smiled back.

Peter smiled at the thought and began to climb up to his roof for the second time today, and placed his materials down. Back to the problem at hand. Because Peter had next to no friends, he distracted himself with tinkering, building, and making himself smarter rather than things you would usually do with friends. So, Peter knew how to build basic things. That also included a shelter for him to stay in for the moment. As soon as he finished, he sat down staring at the stars. Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, he checked and saw an email from none other than Stark Industries. Peter jumped in excitement because the internship he applied for through the school could be his. He opened the email and read through. He nearly screamed out in happiness. He was accepted! A fully-paid, science internship at SI. He then fell asleep that night, not feeling the hopeless he should have. He woke up the next morning, and wore the nicest clothes he owned, which consisted of a nice pair of jeans rolled up to the middle of his calf, a pair of brown dress shoes and a simple, but a little bit to big white dress shirt tucked into his pants.

Peter flew through his day at school, lucky as Flash was away. He picked his bag right back up and ran out of the school to his roof. He checked to make sure he smelled okay, that his hair wasn't greasy, and that he wasn't to nervous. Peter also made sure to bring a note book and a pen since he wasn't sure the people there could understand sign language. Once Peter was sure that he was ready  he made his way to Stark Tower, better know as the Avengers tower. He slowly came upon the large looming tower and entered, bathing in the luxury it held. It felt as if it were covered floor to ceiling in marble, with chrome red and gold accents. Peter silently chuckled at the tiniest bit of self-indulgence. Peter made his way to the front desk with a short brunette male sitting, typing on his computer.

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