Peter, Fallen Angel

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A/N I did a lot of research for this, but is anything is incorrect, please do correct me. Peter works at Stark Industries, and still goes to high school. This takes place on a weekend. Just bare with me here.

Word Count: 1593

Peter slowly shook his fluffy white wings out after having them hidden for so long. He looked down from the cliff, seeing the churning water. He slowly took a deep breath before leaping off, and spreading his wings wide. Peter quickly felt the rush of wind blow through his hair, and the small amount of water spraying at his wings. He heard the quiet ringing of his phone and he quickly tucked his wings away once again, and picked up the phone call from Tony.

"Hey kid! I gotta say, good job on that bank robbery. Heard there was at least ten armed men there." Tony stated, seemingly in pride.

Peter chuckled quietly. "Thanks Mr. Stark."

"Did you get hurt at all?" Tony quickly asked.

"A bullet grazed me, but it's nearly healed already." Peter stated. He heard a clapping noise on the other end of the call, and just assumed Tony facepalmed.

Tony sighed. "You're gonna kill me some day. Just head back to the compound soon, we have a large tour group coming and we could use the extra help."

"Alright." Peter quickly put his mask back on before running off. "I'm on my way. Bye!" He then hung up the phone. Now you may be wondering, why does Peter have wings? Simple. Peter is a fallen angel. And he couldn't find his way back no matter what he did. Though he kept his powers and immortality, he still missed his home. But he knew he wouldn't be welcomed back. Peter stopped reminiscing as the tower loomed over head. Swinging into an alley, he slipped his casual clothes on and clambered into the tower just as the tour group arrived.

"Oh Peter!" The tour guide Ellie said. "Just in time! The lower level interns need help with a project that's falling behind and I figured I could help since you know the compound better."

"Don't worry! You guys finish that project, I have everything handled down here." Peter replied before grabbing the bucket of badges. Ellie quickly rushed off the the intern labs, and Peter turned to look at his tour group. Which happened to be his old robotics club.

"Hello! My name's Peter and I'll be your tour guide for this afternoon. These are your security badges. Please keep them on and visible at all times. The security guards will not hesitate to throw you out for a lack of a badge." Peter then started calling out names, no one saying anything even though they all recognized each other.

"Sup loser." MJ said as she grabbed her badge.

"Hi MJ." Peter smiled at her and placed the bucket at the front desk and continuing the tour. "Well lets begin the tour. We start at the Avengers museum where you can find all of the original suits..." The tour then quickly found itself in the cafeteria when the first half was done. All that was left was the training room and a Q&A.

"Hey Penis!" Peter rolled his eyes as he forgot Flash was in the robotics club.

"Hello Flash." Peter said gritting his teeth.

"Don't know how you got to fake this tour group, or how you are even this lucky, but It'll run out when I ask Tony Stark himself." Flash taunted, too dimwitted to actually realize Peter wasn't lying.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Well, I have a tour to continue, so I'd appreciate it if you would stand with the group." Peter said, smiling frighteningly

Flash muttered something under his breath before regrouping, and the tour continued to the training room.

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