Use Your Words (P2)

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Woo! Finally done! It's currently 3:30 am and I'm dying. Anyways, fair warning. Mentions of sexual assault, assault, and aggression towards our precious cinnamon roll.

Word Count: 4339

The next morning Peter was on his way to his rooftop. Clint had insisted on coming but Peter had just politely declined. When he had got all of his belongings, he had also stopped by a bank and set up a bank account for himself to cash in his cheques. Soon he was done and was on his way back to his temporary home. It was only Saturday so he would finish homework when he got back and work the rest of the weekend. Peter was hoping when he had got enough money he could somehow get his own apartment closer to his school and his job. Soon the tower loomed overhead and Peter entered, waving a quick hello to Benji. The elevator immediately came to life as entered, Friday's voice echoing in the small room.

"Hello Peter. What floor would you like to go to today?" Friday asked.

Peter signed '94 please' in hopes it would work. Luckily, it did and Peter then signed 'thank you'. If Friday had a face, she would definitely smile at the young boy.

Peter exited the elevator and entered what would be his room until he was fired, or until he quit. Now that he could get a good look, it was a grey hardwood floored room, with a large rug placed at the end of his bed. The room was mostly black and white mono-tone, but not without it's splashes of red. The bed was inviting with red and grey pillows, with an embroidered white comforter. The headrest was a bookshelf and mirror, which Peter appreciated because he read quite often. Peter's stuff was soon packed, and his homework was soon finished. He headed to Tony's lab and entered to find Tony tinkering with a new suit of his.

"Hey Kid!" Tony strained to say. "I need help. Can you pass me that welding iron then hold this up?" He said gesturing to the suit he was struggling to hold up. Peter quickly brought the materials as well as goggles for the both of them. The plate of metal was soon placed, and held still. "Thank god you showed up when you did. Anyways, there's some problems and paperwork I want you to see if you can solve. My repulsers could use some updating." Tony said gesturing to a small workbench with an 'Underroos' name tag placed on it. Peter smiled and got to work. That continued into the late hours of the night, where Peter had blasted through most of his work (including the repulsers). When Peter checked the time, he realized it was nearly 1 in the morning. Peter tapped Tony on his shoulder, showing the clock.

"Oh. You head off to bed kid. I'll go soon." Tony replied turning back to his work. Peter only nodded and went off to his bedroom and changed into his Spider-man suit. He only patrolled for an hour before stopping and hopping back into his bed. Sleep came and went as the next morning came. Peter grabbed food for him and his mentor (which was just simple bacon and eggs) and headed once again to the lab. The door opened and closed with a loud swish as Peter looked at his mentor in the same position as last night.

"Oh Peter? Why are you still up?" Tony questioned, the dark circles under his eyes much more prominent now.

'Mr. Stark? It's the next morning.' Peter signed after placing the food down.

"Oh. Oops."

Peter sighed heavily 'When did you last sleep?'

"Uh today's Sunday, right?" Peter nodded. "Five days."

Peter glared, shoved the food in front of Tony and forced him to eat. Tony complied, trying not to laugh at how Peter just looked like an angry puppy. Peter then shoved Tony into his room and gave him a set of pjs. Tony soon realized there was no getting out of this. Soon, Tony was passed out, and Peter was back in the lab finishing all of his and Tony's work. Peter later went out when he was finished, stopping whatever crime came his way. When Peter entered the tower once again, (in normal clothes) Tony was up pacing the kitchen floor, fully dressed in a suit no less.

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