Waving Through a Window

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A/N this chapter is based of the cover and song "Waving Through a Window" from Dear Evan Hansen, cover by dodie, Thomas Sanders and Ben J Pierce. Play the video before or while reading to get the idea.

Peter stared out the window waiting in the abandoned classroom. He wasn't waiting, more avoiding a certain bully. Soon enough though, the door burst open and Eugene "Flash" Thompson waltz through looking angrier than ever.

"Hello, Penis." Flash said with venom at the nickname.

"H-hey Flash," Peter said awkwardly trying to shuffle away.

"Oh no you don't!" Flash yelled and ran for Peter. He was pushed to the floor, but immediately went limp knowing better than to fight back. "Your uncle must be so happy to be dead right now! He won't have to deal with your sorry ass!" Peter felt tears prick in the corner of his eyes, but quickly suppressed his feelings. Soon Flash left out of boredom and Peter just picked himself up and leaned against the wall.

"Peter are you- oh my god." Mj said as she entered the classroom.

"Heyyy, man." Peter said wincing as Mj touched his bruised cheek.

"Found him Ned!" Mj yelled before focusing back on Peter. "Why don't you fight back? Tell him no?" She asked.

"Oh Peter." Ned sighed as he looked at his best friend.

"Because. I can't. You both should know why." Peter said as he stood up and left, walking slowly down the hall.

"Peter please just-" Ned started.

Peter sighed at his friends, before he started singing out of habit. "I've learned to slam on the breaks. Before I even turn the key."

Ned looked at his best friend sadly before continuing "Before I make the mistake. Before I lead with the worst of me."

"Give then no reason to stare. No slipping up if you slip away." Mj sung while staring at the book in her hand.

"So i've got nothing to share." Peter sand before being joined by his best friends.

"No I've got nothing to say. Step out, step out of the sun if you keep getting burned. Step out step out of the sun,"

"Because you've learned because you've learned..." Peter sang while staring at his hands longingly.

"On the outside always looking in will I ever be more than I've always been, 'cause I'm tap, tap, tappin' on the glass. Waving through a window." Ned sang softly as he looked at his friends.

Soon, they all came and sang as one together. "I try to speak but nobody can hear so I wait around for an answer to appear while I'm watch watch watchin' people pass. I'm waving through a window."

"Can anybody see?" Peter almost asked in a pleading way. "Is anybody waving back at me?"

"Hey I know this sounds crazy, but maybe we should join the talent show?" Mj asked while looking at her friends pleadingly.

"What the heck. I'm in." Ned spoke while smiling. "What about you Peter?"

"What do I got to lose?" Peter said rhetorically.

Soon the three were in the practice room singing with each other weekly, learning the instrumentals and practicing vigorously.

"We start with stars in our eyes." Mj sang passionately.

"We start believing we belong." Ned continued.

Peter then sang the final part "But every sun doesn't rise."

Then they all came together and sang the part loud and strong. "And no one tells you where you went wrong."

"Step out step out of the sun if you keep getting burned. Step out step out of the sun because you've learned, because you've learned!" Peter sang loudly and from his heart at the loudest part, and just kept going.

"On the outside always looking in will I ever be more than I've always been 'cause I'm tap tap tappin' on the glass, waving through a window I try to speak, but nobody can hear, so I wait around for an answer to appear while I'm watch, watch, watching people pass waving through a window, oh can anybody see, is anybody waving?" The three sang with their hearts, tears welling up in their eyes.

"This is it guys." Mj said. "Fight or flight moment go!"

"Last but not least, please welcome to the stage, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, and Michelle Jones!" The three got non-enthusiastic cheer from their classmates and over bearing cheers from their parents and a somewhat secret Tony Stark in the audience.

"Um hi everyone." Peter said as he spoke into the mic. "You probably don't know me. Not many people do. And I'm sure that's the case for some of you too. So this song is for you who if you feel like you don't matter, don't make a sound or don't feel like you make a difference, You do. It just takes a bit for things to get better." Peter ended and the three started their performance. They quickly grabbed the attention of the audience with their bitter-sweet song and the relatable story they shared.

"When you're falling in the forest, and there's nobody around do you ever really crash or even make a sound?" Peter sang as a single spotlight fell on him during the lyrics.

"When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?" Peter sang while Mj and Ned hummed in the background.

"When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?" Peter sang starting to get louder and louder.

"When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around do you ever really crash, or even make a sound? Did I even make a sound?      Did I even make a sound?" Peter sang proudly and questioningly, as if a cry for help, for himself, for his friends, and for the ones who have been forgotten.

"It's like I never made a sound, will I ever make a sound?" Peter sang on his lonesome, bringing most of the audience to tears, including Tony Stark.

The three then looked at each other before they started playing again, giving it their all. They knew people would see this. They wanted people to have hope for something better. Because it would happen. They would make it happen. "On the outside, always looking in
Will I ever be more than I've always been? 'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass, waving through a window I try to speak, but nobody can hear so I wait around for an answer to appear while I'm watch, watch, watching people pass. Waving through a window, oh. Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me? Is anybody waving?
Waving, waving, whoa-oh, whoa-oh." As they sang their final note, the audience immediately erupting in applause while in tears about the emotional performance. The three stood on stage and cried, hugging each other. The song meant so much to them, that when it was done it made them think of everything they've been put through to get here.

"Alright! Now to announce the winners of our contest! In third place, Flash with his atheistic skills. In second place, Yuki with her astounding violin skills! And in first place, Peter, Ned and Mj with their emotional and outstanding performance!" The three friends looked at each other and hugged. They had won something, and had done it together. They hoped their message got out. But for now, They were being embraced by their families and by Tony who was practically Peter's dad.

The three of them then wrote their own songs of hope and sang and recorded them in their free time giving more hope to the people who saw them. They performed on stage, did charity events, and kept going with singing in whatever spare time they could muster. Tony got them all for christmas a professional recording booth and the three couldn't be happier. Flash did stop bothering them, but would always get this look in his eyes.

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