Peter, a Match Maker from Heaven (P2)

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A/N Peter is seventeen and gratuating high school while Deadpool is nineteen. Trying to make this as legal as possible here people. Wade doesn't have scars from his cancer, but a car crash because he so young. Wade also just kidnaps people and gives them to his clients to kill instead of himself, because he didn't want to make Peter mad. Also buckle up because I made this one much longer than the other. Hope you enjoy, and hope you find this wholesome enough.

Word count: 3166

It was breakfast the next morning on a beautiful Saturday that the new couples were announced. Tony was his flamboyant self and went first, and entered the room with Stephen right behind him.

"Alright losers!" Tony started. "Listen up 'cause I'm making an announcement."

"Wonder what it is." Peter said, somewhat lying.

"Well, Tony and I-" Stephen started.

"Dating!" Tony finished, clambering onto the taller man's back, Levi holding Tony in place.

The room was then filled with whoops and cheers at the couple, but soon turned to Bucky and Steve.

Steve stood and spoke first. "So uh, now that Stephen and Tony have announced that, I'd like to announce that Bucky and I are dating." Bucky looked up at his boyfriend proudly before hugging and kissing him on the cheek.

"Ah! I have an announcement as well!" Thor's bellowing voice echoed. "Bruce and I have also started the custom of dating!" Bruce seemed to shy away slightly but still hug his boyfriend in pride.

"Oh yeah also Clint and I are dating." Natasha said smoothly as she was reading a book with Clint at her feet messing around with his arrows. The room kind of just looked at her weirdly, before continuing to give a round of applause.

"I gotta ask, when did you all decide to start dating?" Bruce asked "Because it was yesterday for Thor and I."

"It was like that for us too." Stephen said, Tony starting to get tangled int Levi.

"Same here." Clint said lazily.

"Also here." Bucky and Steve said.

By now Peter has already snuck away from breakfast and was back out as Spider-Man, stopping your average mugging, harassing, and helping some couples with their dates here and there.

"So what happened on your dates?" Tony asked, somewhat suspicious of one baby spider.

"We both got notes telling us to meet up for a date, and it was so perfect, because it fit what both of us want." Bucky said, smiling at Steve.

"Ours was very similar. Except it was poptarts and a blanket fort." Bruce said quietly.

"Ours was also the same." Natasha said, making eye contact with Tony and narrowing her eyes.

"That's what I thought. Everyone follow me." Tony said making his way to his lab. He quickly pulled up four security cameras from yesterday, showing where the dates took place. He rewinds to the beginning to show Peter running in and out of the rooms, placing everything in the rooms with such care. He wrote the notes, and set up the movies, before getting scared and jumping in the vent. Tony opened the vent cameras to see Peter smiling fondly at the scenes of romance below him.

"So you're telling me, that we're all dating because Peter pushed us?" Steve questioned.

"Yep." Clint said flatly.

Stephen then spun around again, Levi dragging Tony behind him. "We'll thank him when he gets back. We currently have something to attend to." He then floated off with Tony, cheeks squished and a huge grin on his face.

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