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A/N I'd like to thank Tumblr for this prompt. Honestly no warnings as this is pretty darn wholesome 👌 Also Peitro is alive because he is good boy and we need another good boy.

Word count: 631

The Avengers (including Spider-man) had just been called on a mission to raid a Hydra base. They were told it was heavy duty, and needed all of them.

"Alright team. Can you all hear me? We need to make sure the coms are working." Tony stated, looking at the team through his mask.

"Check." Steve said monotonously.

"Check!" Bucky said more enthusiastically.

Clint raised his hand "We good."

"Same here." Natasha answered.

"Good here." Bruce answered.

"Me too!" Peter cheered out.

"Me three." Wanda spoke.

"And me." Vision stated.

"Don't forget me!" Peitro cheered out.

"Alright. We've got a large Hydra base. All we need to do is capture, incapacitate any agents, steal some files if we can, and most importantly, free any people trapped in cells. Peitro and Wanda, you two are on getting people out. Peitro can scope the area, while Wanda can free them and bring them here. Vision, Cap and Bucky, you're on watch. Bruce, stay behind and get prepared to either tend to injuries, or Hulk our if need be. The rest of you, will be coming in and trapping the agents and stealing the files. We just have to get this done quickly. In and out." Tony said, running through them plan as quickly as possible. The base quickly loomed ahead, and they exited.

Peter quickly entered through a vent, using his webs to help Clint and Natasha up. The three continued to the main computer room, and saw  a couple of agents. Peter put a finger to his lips and climbed to the ceiling, then dropped silently behind them all. Clearing is throat the agents looked up at him, and immediately began firing. Peter only jumped out of the way as Clint and Natasha stormed in and incapacitated a couple of them. Peter was quick to web them up, all rendered useless. Natasha put a thumbs up for the all clear, and Peter began stealing the files. When it was done, Peter gave the signal to the two assassins behind him.

"Alright Tony. We've got the files. How are you doing Peitro, Wanda?" Natasha said as she spoke into the coms.

"We think we've got them all. They're in the jet right now." Peitro answered.

"How many?" Clint asked.

"Eight. Biggest haul yet. Only three seemed to be brainwashed so that's good." Wanda replied.

"Alright Mr. Stark. I think it's your turn now." Peter said. The base quickly went into breach mode as alarms and blaring lights went off.

"Already in Underoos." Tony chuckled lightly.

"I figured." Peter said and quickly left the room, usb drive in his pocket. Getting to work quickly, agents were shot down here and there, before he made it to the east side of the building.

"Everybody get out!" Steve yelled out. "The place is going to blow!"

A few seconds later, the building shook and quickly collapsed. Peter got out for the most part, but his legs were trapped and he's pretty sure he had a light concussion.

"It appears the coms are down, and your tracker has stopped working." Karen said to Peter.

"Oh boy." Peter said.

"Where's the kid?" Tony said scanning the rubble, seeing many life forms and not able to pick out Peter's.

"Relax, we'll find him." Steve said as he pat Tony's shoulder.

Just then, Tony heard a feint "Marco." in the distance.

"You've got to be kidding me." Tony said, chuckling lightly before shouting out, "Polo!"

"Marcoooooo!" Peter shouted out again.

"Polo!" the entire team shouted out.

After three more minutes of marco polo, a minorly injured Peter was found under rubble.

"Heyyyy you found me!" Peter said drowsily.

"Playing Marco Polo no less."Clint said chuckling at the absurdity.

"Not the weirdest thing we've done." Tony joked, picking up Peter.

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