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A/N Sorry for another short chapter! Someone requested this but I can't find who. So if you requested this please tell me so credit can be given.

Word Count: 606

Peter was his usual bubbly self, except to the max for he asked his crush, MJ, on a date, and luckily she said yes. Of corse when Peter walked in the lab to work with Tony today he noticed.

"Why so chipper buddy?" Tony asked, curious of the somewhat strange behaviour.

"What do you mean? I'm always chipper." Peter replied.

"More than usual."

"Oh I asked my crush on a date!" Peter cheered, quickly getting back to work.

"Oh? Who is it?" The billionaire asked quirking an eyebrow.

"My friend MJ! She so cool. Also really smart."

Tony nodded, now secretly looking up the shield file on MJ. Peter continued to rant about MJ, while Tony just nodded along searching her address.

"Sorry, I've got a meeting. Pepper will be mad at me if I miss another one." Tony said, grabbing a coat, and exiting.

Peter looked at him weird, then got back to his projects. Tony in actuality was going to pay this girl a little visit and see if she was good enough for his s- I mean Peter. Tony slowly rolled up to he house and knocked on the door lightly allowing for MJ herself to open the door.

"Hello? Tony Stark?" Mj said as she realized who was there, her face not changing from its usual blank slate.

"Uh hi. Yeah there's something I need to discuss with you." Tony replied, already suspicious of why Peter liked this girl when he was so hyper compared to her.

"Come in then." MJ said opening the door wider for him to step in. Tony of course followed suit and sat down on a couch in her living room.

"Wonderful place you have here." Tony said, watching MJ's every move.

"Why are you actually here?" MJ said seemingly annoyed.

"Courteous. Anyways, I heard you're going on a date with one Peter Parker? My job is to make sure you won't hurt him in any way." Tony said threateningly, narrowing his eyes at the young woman in front of him.

"Oh. So the famous Tony Stark has a son now. How do I know you won't hurt him? The so called, 'Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist'? He's lost enough father figures in his life already. He doesn't need one more added to the list." MJ said aggressively, glaring straight back at Tony.

Tony glared, then smirked, and put his hand out to shake MJ's. "You seem to care about him a lot. Thank you. And I'll make sure Peter will be okay."

Mj took Tony's hand and shook it gently, smirking back. "I'm sure you will. Because if you don't, I'll make sure you have to take 'playboy' out of your title. Anyways, pleasure seeing you but my parents are coming home soon and I need you to leave." Mj said sassily before pushing Tony out of the door. Tony awkwardly left before entering the tower again. When he entered the lab once again, he found Peter with a couple completed projects, on his phone.

"So why were you with MJ?" Peter asked quirking an eyebrow.

"How did you know?" Tony asked.

"I tracked the GPS on your phone. I figured if I have one, your phone would also have one." Peter said. "I ask again, why were you there?"

"Was interrogating her. Wanted to make sure she was right for you. Anyways back to work, we still have some projects to finish up." Tony said taking his jacket off.

Peter quickly got back to work, but unbeknownst to Tony, he was smiling like crazy because Tony was actually starting to be the father figure he needed.

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