How Peter Met Wade

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A/N Peter is 16, Wade is 18. This is when they first met and yatta yatta yatta.

Word Count: 721

As it was said in a previous chapter, Peter meeting Wade was a bit of a mess. And here's how it went.

Peter was swinging around the city, doing his usual rounds and stopping a mugging here and there. When a break was decided for the young webslinger, he quickly started to swing to his usual spot for food when he heard a scream. Peter quickly went in the direction and found a guy cowering in fear at another guy in red and black leather, wielding two katanas and guns in holsters.

"Alright ya blood ninja you might wanna calm down there." Peter said as he webbed the guy up to the wall of the surrounding alleyway.

"Woah! What the hell! This job was gonna pay my rent for the next year!" The leather baring man said.

"What? So you're a mercenary?" Peter questioned rhetorically.

The man nodded his head excitedly. "Exactly! This dude has been wanted for a while, he's done some much bad stuff he deserves to be killed at this point!" The man exclaimed, turning to glare at the man every once and a while.

"Well then he'll serve his sentence in prison, you however are coming with me as you mercenaries are sly bastards." Peter growled out before taking his webs off the walls and dragging the masked mercenary behind him. He quickly webbed the other man up and left a note for the police to pick him up.

"At least take me on a date first." The man joked. "Oh wait wait wait wait! You're that Spider-man!" He then exclaimed getting a good look at Peter's mask.

"And?" Peter said glancing a single eye in his direction.

"I'm Deadpool!" The now names Deadpool yelled.

"I didn't ask." Peter glared at Deadpool, still dragging him to a more secure area.

"Can we go get chimichangas? I'm having a hankering for some." Wade asked.

"No we can not get chimichangas." Peter replied.

"Too bad!" Deadpool yelled, escaping from the webbing and teleporting away.

"Goddamnit. Now there's a murderer on the loose." Peter sighed before checking his pockets for money. "And I forgot money for food. Stupid enhanced metabolism."

Peter soon settled on a random rooftop as the city went quiet. He should've listened to May when she said to bring a jacket. It was freezing out here. Peter's spidey-senses soon went off to see the same leather wearing man from before clamber onto the rooftop.

"I have brought chimichangas! They had a four for three deal at my usual spot. Gotta love the guy." Wade said as he held out two of the chimichangas for Peter.

"Um, I don't need food." Peter said, wary of the man in front of him.

"Relax. You look like you need it. And if you don't i'm going to go back and kill that man." Deadpool then smiled under his mask, and watched as Peter took the food out of his hands. The two then sat on the edge of the roof, looking at the clear sky above them.

As Peter took a bite, he quickly exclaimed "Woah these are actually pretty good!" And continued to eat the rest of his.

"Yes!" Wade cheered. "I've made improvement!"

"Improvement on what?"

"Your trust of course! You're the first person to talk to me as a normal human being in a long time and I appreciate that." Wade replied, sounding very happy.

"Fantastic." Peter replied monotonously. "But if I'm gonna trust you, you gotta stop killing people. That's a no no."

"But how am I gonna get money?" Wade exclaimed, falling back dramatically.

"Become a professional kidnapper. Plus you can just threaten people with a gun, you won't have to waste money on bullets." Peter said, bitting down on his chimichanga.

"That's not a bad idea! Who knows, maybe you'll be friends with me baby boy." Wade teased, making eye contact with the younger.

"What did you just call me?" Peter questioned, standing up and glaring at the man.

Wade followed suit. "Baby boy. Because that ass may as well be brand new for how good it looks. See ya!" Wade yelled out as he slapped Peter's ass and leaped away from the scene.

"What the fuck?" Peter said as he watched him run away. "This is how I'll die, isn't it?"

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