Practicing Dying

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A/N Bit of a short chapter. The conclusion of the injured Peter series has arrived! Yee haw.

Word Count: 813

Peter stumbled on the rooftop he was on, nearly passing out but catching himself last minute. What had happened prior, was he had been stabbed twenty-eight times and shot twice. A couple of robber all ganged up on him at once, so that was a fun experience. Peter looked down at his phone, and realized he was nearly late for class and his teacher would kill him if he was late again. In his delusional, blood-deprived state, he ended up entering his classroom through the window, in his suit, without his mask, covered in blood, (which by the way covered his suit so no one could see the design) as class was starting.

"Peter! Oh my god!" His teacher screamed.

"What happened?!" Flash exclaimed, helping Peter through the window.

"I was practicing dying." Peter said drowsily.

"Oh god." Ned spoke, grabbing some towels he kept in his bag and starting to soak up some blood.

"Are the bullets still in?" Flash screamed out, looking Peter in his tired eyes.

"Yep! They tried to shoot the deputy, but instead they shot sherif!" Peter cheered out, now sitting in a chair while his classmates surrounded him.

"Oh shit. Uh, Ned and I can get them out, anyone else put pressure on the stab wounds." Flash said now laying Peter on a table.

"Call Tony! He'll now what to do! And if anyone needs to know, my blood type is red." Peter said before passing out.

"Crap! I need to call Tony!" MJ yelled out before going on call.

"No! We need to bring him to a hospital!" The teacher screamed out.

"No hospitals!" The entire class screamed out before getting back to work on Peter.

All of Peter's classmates were holding rags against the torn flesh and skin, the bleeding slowly ceasing.

"It's stopping!" Betty cheered out, hands now covered in blood.

"Uh, small problem." Flash whispered quietly.

"What?" Ned said sceptically.

"There nine shards."

"Shit. Get to work on those while I start stitching up the stab wounds." Ned then as quickly and as safely as he could began stitching up some of the stab wound. Every ten minute or so a shard was out and a stab wound was done. For Peter's class, it was excruciatingly painful to watch. Their classmate was on a table practically bleeding out, them almost helpless.

"Tony should be here any minute. He said he needed to bring the helicopter." MJ said, holding onto Peter's hand as if the world depended on it.

"I've got the third. There is a possibility a part broke off and now there's seven to go." Flash said, sweating from the amount he was focusing.

"The helicopter is here!" The teacher yelled as a small team consisting of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Harley Keener showed up.

"Ned! Get everyone away we need him on the helicopter!" Harley yelled out, now carrying Peter on the cot. Peter's class backed away as they carried him to the exit.

"Flash! Ned! MJ!" Tony yelled out. "Come with us we'll need help!"

The three nodded and left, as his class was left behind with bloody towels, desks and hands.

"I'll call a janitor." One of the students said.

So now we look back to the med bay with Peter all stitched up and nearly ready to wake up after eight painful hours.

"Geez. Can this never happen again?" Flash said, actually worried for Peter for once.

"With what he does, no." Ned replied.

"What does he do?" Flash asked.

"Should we tell him?" MJ asked, turning to Ned.

"I think so. He won't stay in the dark forever." Ned replied, now turning to Flash. "Before I tell you, you have to swear to never tell anyone. You have to promise." Ned said almost desperately.

"I promise." Flash replied, realizing that the situation was urgent.

"He is Spider-man." MJ said seriously.

Slowly Flash realized how Peter was so brave, so kind, and he was everything that he wasn't. He started tearing up then and there. "He didn't deserve it." Flash whispered quietly.

"He doesn't deserve a lot of things that come his ways. But he keeps going." MJ replied, looking at Peter's sleeping figure.

Just then, Peter slowly came too and Tony burst through the door with Harley by his side. "You idiot! What were you doing!?" Tony exclaimed, looking angry her relieved.

"I was practicing dying." Peter replied, still sleepy from the amount of blood he lost. Flash, MJ, Ned, Harley, and Tony all hugged him, Peter squished and smiling.

"Never do that again idiot." Harley said, near tears at this point.

That didn't happen. At some point Peter crashed through Flash's window in need of help. That happens often. But at least Peter always has friends that are basically always an on-call emergency service. So that was a plus at least.

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