Frat Bois

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A/N Wow. I went away for a bit and came back to 95 notifications. Anyways, this was requested by @kgirllacrosse28. Hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 1313

Peter was so excited. After months on preparing and hard work, he had done it. He made it in to MIT with a full scholarship. He sat there with his luggage, aunt by his side as he entered the dorm building.

"Now you look after yourself okay? And if you need anything at all just ask. Or call. Or anything." Aunt may said, helping Peter into the building.

"Aunt May. I swear I'm fine." Peter chuckled at his Aunt, taking all of his own luggage.

Aunt May waved her goodbye and Peter walked up to the Front desk.

"Hey I'm Peter Parker. I just need to know my dorm please." Peter said.

"Ah. Parker. Room 231, second floor. Your roommate is Harley Keener." The lady said, handing Peter his keys.

Peter smiled and walked up the stairs to his dorm, luggage in hand. He glanced at the door before opening the lock and pushing his way in. He was met by a blond roommate who he assumed was Harley.

"Oh hey! You're my new roommate!" Harley shouted before walking up to Peter. "I'm Harley. Lemme help you with those." Harley said before grabbing one of Peter's bags.

"Oh. I'm Peter. And thanks." Peter replied before entering the two's bedroom. "Hey sorry, but I was told there was a second room?" Peter questioned.

"Oh, um sorry. I may or may not have turned it into a workshop/lab." Harley replied, entering the bedroom.

"Oh sweet! Lets not blow it up though." Peter chuckled before placing bedding on his own bed. He unpacked his belongings and headed to their makeshift lab, Harley following closely behind. He found two desks, vials and holders tucked away under them in bins, scrap metal seemed to be magnetized by size on one of the walls, which were covered by sound boards. Chemicals were strewn across the lab, all lab led and neatly packaged. "How did you get this done in like a day?" Peter questioned at the craftsmanship.

"Had nothing else to do." Harley replied, before opening a set of blueprints of his.

"Woah is that a replica Ironman suit?" Peter asked, glancing at the blueprints.

"Yeah! I met him a while back and kept in touch. So now i'm going to replicate his design and see if I can crash a party or something." Harley replied, chuckling at his own little joke.

"I interned for him through high school. Was an insane experience." Peter said, still looking at the blueprint, and writing some things down on a piece of paper.

"I thought he only hired college students? And how come then, and not now?" Harley questioned, now facing Peter.

"I don't now because I should focus on college, and then because, um," Peter said, struggling to come up with an excuse.

"You're Spider-man?" Harley questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh yeah actually." Peter said, staring questioningly at Harley.

"Come on. It wasn't that hard to connect the dots. All of a sudden a high school intern is hired, around the same time Spider-man appears? The same time the accords cause a problem? The same time Avengers are pitted against Avengers?" Harley said, smirking at Peter. "You are clearly Spider-man."

"No telling anyone."

"You have my word." Harley said, stepping on a creaking floorboard.

"Ooh maybe there's something under there!" Peter exclaimed excitedly before putting pressure on one end and lifting the other.

"Come on that's rediculous-" Harley started, before staring in surprise as a hidden box was uncovered from the floor.

"Tony and Rhodey, 1998." Peter read. "This was Tony's and Rhodey's old dorm!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Awesome! Open it up!" Harley said before sitting next to Peter. Peter delicately opened the box. "To whom who finds this box. Congratulations for making it into MIT. My roommate and I left 'souvenirs' I guess you could say. Enjoy your time at MIT." It read.

"So there could be more of these." Peter said, before opening the box and finding polaroids of Tony and Rhodey from way back when. The two smiled at the captions, often reading 'Asshole' or 'Playboy' acompanied by Tony at what seemed like a bar. Others also had messages on the back about the two's adventures they had together. Harley and Peter both smiled fondly before placing the box on their coffee table.

"Shall we look for more?" Harley questioned, looking at Peter with excitement in his eyes.

"Yes!" Peter cheered before the two ran off searching for more boxes. The two then met back at the coffee table, finding three more each.

"Look at the bracelets in here!" Harley exclaimed, holding the two up. They were simple silver bands with MIT engraved in it as well as and R and T.

"'To whomever finds these bracelets, use them as good luck charms. Rhodes and I both got through MIT with honors, so maybe they'll help you.' Wow. Tony and Rhodey must have been close." Peter read, holding the note to Harley.

"Who knows what they did. Lets open that big one now." Harley said, pointing to the largest box on the table. Peter nodded and picked it up placing it in front of the two. He slowly removed the lid and opened to find a large stack of blueprints. They sifted through them quickly finding so many early stage blueprints they had assumed Tony and Rhodey planned together.

"Woah." Peter said breathlessly, glancing at the stack of blue prints.

"Oh, here's a note." Harley said, picking up the piece of paper gracefully. "'So you found the blueprints! Good job. Tony and I were never able to finish these, but maybe you will. These could really help people in the future if you can finish them.'" Harley read, smiling fondly at the note.

"I guess we have some projects to work on then" Peter said, glancing at another set of blueprints.

The two continued to open boxes, finding more polaroids, old notes from classes, and what seemed like a time capsule.

"Last box!" Peter exclaimed, opening it dramatically. A note soon fell out, and the two were left to read it.

"'You found the last note! Congratulations! There is one more box though, hidden on campus buried away where people are ripped off. Under a tree where people sit, and where people play.' Wait, look at the polaroids. I think I saw them in a tree in front of the campus convenience store." Harley said, immediately plunging towards the polaroids.

Peter joined in the other stack and quickly found the noted. "Grab the shovel I know where it is!" Peter yelled, putting his shoes on polaroid in hand. Harley quickly followed suit and grabbed a small trowel, running after Peter.

The two reached a tree, it's leaves now sagging and swaying in the wind. They looked at the spot which Peter had pointed out and started to dig. After about ten minutes they had dug out a box and covered the hole back up. Harley and Peter then ran back towards their dorm and whipped open the box in excitement.

They opened it to find textbooks with notes and highlighted, as well as a small sum of cash. They dug deeper and found a prototype for and invention, as well as a final stack of polaroids from the two graduates.

"Should we take a selfie and send it to Tony?" Peter questioned, now laying out all of their findings.

"Totally." Harley replied now posing for a photo.

Peter the sent the photo to Tony with the caption 'Found your's and Rhodey's old stuff you hid around. It was an awesome time with Harley 😋' "And sent!" Peter exclaimed.

He got a text back a few minutes later saying 'Glad you're the ones who found those. Also glad you finally met the kid, Underoos.' Harley and Peter both smiled, now settling down for a small supper.

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