Lightly Poked with a Knife

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A/N Would you look at that two chapters in one day. Anyways more requests are coming :D

Word Count: 806

Peter missed his patrol the night before, so he decided to do one early in the morning. He had his his bag near the school, and left to stop a mugging or two. He stumbled upon his last one for the morning, deciding to do it with style.

"You know, it's not nice to threaten people with guns." Peter said before webbing the gun out of the man's hand.

"Fuck off!" The man shouted before lunging at Peter.

The guy the man was mugging ran away, and left Peter to handle the man in front of him, who was now wielding a knife. Peter just webbed him to the ground and turned away, but didn't get far enough to avoid getting stabbed in the shoulder.

"Jesus man! Now I gotta bandage this up!" Peter complained before webbing the man's hands to the walls of the alleyway. Peter quickly made his way back to school and landed on the rooftop, removing his suit. "That knife was ribbed. Fantastic. And I don't have time to stitch it up. Great." Peter whined before crudely bandaging his shoulder. "Have to change that at lunch and get Ned's help." He muttered.

Soon he was on his way to school, on time for once even though he was stabbed. "Hey man!" His best friend Ned said.

"What's up!" Peter replied, doing their handshake.

"Nothing much. How did patrol go?" Ned whispered the last part.

"I got hurt so I'm going to need you to help me at lunch." Peter whispered back.

"How bad?"

"I was lightly poked with a knife." Peter replied, starting to walk away.

"Peter." Ned replied sternly.

"Fine. I'd say at least a five inch hole." Peter said, now entering their home room.

"Jesus. At least this isn't as bad as last tuesday." Bed joked, elbowing Peter's side.

"Please. Don't remind me." The two then sat down near the front unluckily as their usual seats were taken. "Dang it." Peter muttered, paranoid about his shoulder being seen.

"Alright class." Peter's teacher spoke. "Just a simple work sheet for today. Should take you the majority of class." Peter sighed in relief and got to work of his work sheet. About fifteen minutes in when Peter was done, his classmate behind him noticed the blood. Which kept coming and making a huge spot.

"Peter is that blood?!" His classmate exclaimed, face pale from how much it was leaking through.

"Uh, no?" Peter seemed to almost question.

"Yes that is! Oh dear lord I'm going to be sick." She said before going to the back, attracting the attention of the rest of the class.

"Please. This is just some sick prank he's trying to pull." Flash said, scoffing at him.

"Yeah its just a prank guys." Peter said awkwardly, trying to turn his shoulder away from the class.

"Peter. I know it's awkward but take your shirt off and let me see." His teacher said sternly. Peter soon realized there was no getting out of this, and took his shirt off to reveal the soaked-through bandages. "I need to see it Peter." His teacher insisted once again. Peter just rolled his eyes and removed the bandages to reveal the five inch deep hole in his shoulder.

"Happy now?" Peter questioned before grabbing the first aid kit out of his bag.

"Peter no! We need to call and ambulance!" His teacher screeched, starting to panic.

"No we don't because I'm perfectly fine and can do it myself." Peter replied before digging the needle in his shoulder. "How am I looking Ned?"

"Good so far, bleeding hasn't stopped yet though." Ned replied, looking at the wound closely.

"Ha! That's not real! There's no way!" Flash yelled out coming to get a closer look.

"Well dig your finger in there and find out." Peter challenged him.

"Gladly." Flash smirked. So he did just that, and was horrified as his entire finger was consumed by the stab wound. "What the fuck that's real oh my god Parker was stabbed I'm going to throw up." Flash said quickly before throwing up then going to the bathroom and washing the blood off his hands.

"Please just continue with the lesson and ignore me." Peter said as he continued his stitches.

"Umm a-alright." The teacher stuttered before reluctantly taking up the worksheet.

Peter was done with his stitches by the end of class and was met with Flash in the hallways.

"How did you do that, without being in pain?" Flash questioned, looking sickly pale.

"Not the worst I've been through." Peter replied simply.

"What's your worst!?" Flash exclaimed in shock.

"Been shot and stabbed at the same time. Actually shot twice and stabbed three times. That was fun." Peter thought before chuckling at Flash's face and walking away. To say Flash was petrified was an understatement.

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