Chapter 3

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"The purpose of argument is to change the nature of truth." - Frank Herbert

Earth Kingdom
Chrysanthemum Estate

Cara's POV

Things are becoming difficult for the Air King and Artemis. Alexander took the duty to take care of me, clean my wounds and ensure I'm healing even though there are nurses around the estate. Sometimes I think this man's too good to be true. A week passed and I recovered magnificently, wounds and bruises gone and my wings able to flap and beat.

I was given the room beside Alex's. It's lavish yet comfortable but I still think it's too much. His kindness knows no bounds and I'm quite hesitant to overdo it. Nevertheless he insisted I enjoy my stay and worry about nothing. I'm a guest and he's a generous host.

Whenever I start to feel caged and restricted, I roam the estate and the gardens... more like controlled forest. The castle's structure is elegant, especially that vines intertwined the posts and beams giving it a magical look. The gardens consists of mainly overgrown fruit trees and flowering shrubs in a beautiful wild arrangement. It's like paradise in the middle of nowhere where people, animals and nature interact.

Yes, animals.

It appears that earth elves can communicate not only with nature but beasts of the land as well. Modestly powerful, eh?

Animals roam the estate and forest freely, occasionally chasing and playing with each other. Earth elves guide them home and feed them everyday as the sun goes down. The calmness and relaxing atmosphere tore my mind off my predicament in the Celestial Kingdom.

I could stay here forever with Alexander... and my friends of course.

However, I know I will have to leave soon. Toriel said he and the others will find me, and together we'll leave for a better life. Forgetting about everything. I sometimes think Chrysanthemum Estate can be our chance to start anew.

But I knew that was only my comfort-loving self speaking.

"You're worrying about the future too much, Cara. Take it one day at a time." Alexander sounded just behind me as I was facing outside, looking out the balcony. "We're given problems to get through, not get drowned in."

"Unfortunately, mine needs a lot of diving in. I can't just run from it, though I am doing it now."

"I doubt you're running away, more like revitalizing." He commented, coming to stand suprisingly close beside me. "You don't look like it. There's so much fire in you that burns behind your eyes."

I nearly scoffed, "You don't know a thing about me, Alex. I might run forever, that fire might signal my want for a new life by escaping."

"Enlighten me, then." There was a hint of challenge in his voice and his eyes probed, albeit calmly, my soul to give in.

For the love of everything that's holy, why do angels love challenges?

Maybe it was his trusting aura that made me submit, I really do not know. "We we're prisoners in the Celestial Kingdom. Prisoners whose only fault was to be born of interracial marriage. We get killed for the sake of keeping the angel bloodline pure and untainted. It's sick, I know. We only had months to live before we escaped. I was offered a way out, but I refused. Let's say the fire you're talking about ignited 'cause I don't think it's right to save yourself while the others suffer. Better that we suffer together."

His eyes glowed a soft green hue. If it wasn't for the calm expression he had on I would think he's mad. "What did they offer you?" He asked after mulling over my words.

"Marriage," that one word morphed his face into a deadly beauty. His teeth grittted and I can see his jaw clenching.

No other words we're said after that, just a tensed silence between us. My mind overworked until it settles on the thought that I should risk asking him his predicament as well.

"Why didn't you claim the throne?"

His eyes flickered to my face, softening lightly in sadness. "It was what most earth elves wanted. My brother was deemed appropriate for the crown by many, especially the crowned king and queen. I won't fight them, even if I can. As long as I have the stone the kingdom's far from harm. I'm fine with that."

"You're a fool," I chuckled.

His dark eyes widened, not believing I insulted him after he let out his deep dark secret. "How so?"

"What most people want won't change what is right," I hummed, thinking of a better way to explain my opinion. "Take our kingdom for example; It was peaceful before, happy and vibrant. No one has to fear for their life just because their wing-color is different. When a new Throne stepped in as Chief, things changed. His rule is unjust and brought fear to the lives of his people. This means that your kingdom won't be safe just because you have the stone that apparently keeps the balance. The ruler and his leadership can and will always affect the balance and the lives of the people, no matter how deserving that ruler is or how the people trust him."

His eyes stared intently at me, trying to read what I want to say next. "Your point?"

I internally groaned, "You will not only keep the kingdom safe if you take the throne, but also help the people. Look at the earth elves living with you in this castle. I can see their passion to serve you and be with you because they know you will be a true and good king. I feel the same way."

The corners of his mouth twitched upward, "You do?"

I rolled my eyes, "That's not what I want you to know." This man can get distracted sometimes. "The point is, well, claim the throne and prove to them you are the true king. Do it before your parents and brother can harm the people, before its too late to save those who really need your help. A king serves the kingdom and his people, not the nobles and the rich. Their opinion doesn't matter. Those in the silver lining knows what kind of ruler the kingdom really needs. Listen to them, because they are your people. When combined, their voices will make up your leadership."

I felt his warm hands cage my face tenderly, staring at me with an unknown intensity. His eyes twinkled in amazement and adoration, lips forming a thin smile. The fact that he's initiating contact surprised me yet again, gone was the timid boy whose hands I held last time. "You have a powerful mind. And your words, you'll be a great queen."

I chuckled, "No thanks, I'm done with political mishaps for now."

Now why do I feel like that's a hint?

The Tainted Earth (Royals of the Realm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now