Chapter 19

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"How do you defeat terrorism? Don’t be terrorized." - Salman Rushdie

Earth Kingdom
Chrysanthemum Estate
The Greenhouse

Cara's POV

I've been hearing a lot of good news from my friends. They're all doing fine in the demon kingdom, and the king treats them surprisingly well knowing they're dear to his sister. Azrael and his wife's expecting another child, which is awesome. While Toriel and Alorah finally admitted they are in love with each other.

Most importantly, my sister, who is now free and living in the witch kingdom with king Ahba, is having the best days of her life. King Ahba cherishes her so much that she can't help but tell me how she's starting to see him differently as well.

Of course I refrained from telling her about the Queen-thing.

I'm hoping as well that Ahba's intentions are sincere and worthy of her love... in the future.

Alexander, on the other hand, has been busy in the council. They're finally talking about ridding the earth kingdom of all chameleon potions, much to his family's dismay. Since he's been stressed and spent these past few days, I tried not to make my mistake of neglecting him the second time. I make sure he's worry-free every time he goes home, that includes doing every little thing that needs to be done to keep the Chrysanthemum estate running.

I also make sure love is on the checklist.

Right now, things are going smoothly. Earth elves are moving to and fro with their own chores in and out of the estate. Children are outside in the field, playing with animals and practicing their element with the guidance of some elders. Overlooking everything from the greenhouse, I feel satisfaction in my veins. It's like I'm destined to face every day with Alexander.

"Lady Cara, we will be leaving in an hour to deliver the food supply to the neutral grounds and exchange them with goods. Will you be fine all by yourself? We can leave when the men who delivered food supply to our earth elves in the earth state comes back." Grange asked me for the nth time with a little worry.

I chuckled, "It's fine, Grange. I cannot keep you, Rion and Jino from your duties. Another thing, just because I'm humanlike now doesn't mean I will always need protecting. Don't forget that when I was a deity and an angel I fought with swords in my hands."

He flushed in embarrassment, "I wasn't implying anything like that, Lady Cara. I'm sorry if I made you feel offended."

"Oh shush, you don't need to say sorry. I was just joking. I will be fine with two to three guards roaming the palace."

He just beamed at me before nodding and instructing some men with him of their tasks. He's in charge of the deliveries to the neutral grounds while Rion's in charge of the food supply in the earth state. Jino's with Alexander for the week.

"Take care of each other, your king wouldn't want you to come back scathed." I said jokingly before waving them off.

I remained in the greenhouse for the rest of the day, reading paperworks which Alexander could barely give time to. I've sorted them out and arranged them from their order of importance. Some children would occasionally visit me and ask me to play, which I granted of course, to relax myself as well. When they're all spent, their mothers will collect them and leave me to face the paperworks once again.

I'm liking this habit more and more  but it would be so much better if Alexander's with me here and not facing his dragonlike family.

I swear, Alexander have a lot of patience for tolerating them until now. Even Queen Fyrrah have had enough. But then again, my mate's a peace-loving royal with a heart of gold. The love in his heart gave him so much patience. Queen Fyrrah's love was a different story, it'll burn you bright if you touch it the wrong way.

I was pulled out of my reverie when a guard knocked on the glass door to catch my attention, "Lady Cara, someone's here to see you. He said you know him."


I furrowed my brows in confusion, thinking of all the men I know. Azrael? Toriel? But the guards know who they are.

"Did he tell you his name? I don't remember inviting anyone over."

The guard snapped as if he was just in a trance, "I actually forgot to ask him, Lady Cara. I'm sorry." He really looked remorseful.

I smiled, "Nevermind, where is he?"

"He's in the library at the moment, Lady Cara. He's alone but I have two guards guarding him for safety measures."

"Thank you, I'll find my way there."

He nodded and left immediately while I still pondered on who the man is. Maybe it's one of King Heaven's men, General Colson for example.

Well, only one way to find out.

I made my way to the library, feeling deathly calm atmosphere encircling the area. When I reached the double doors of the massive library there were no guards positioned near it, contrary to the guard's statement. I just shrugged, maybe they're watching from afar to give us some respect and privacy.

I opened the double doors and peaked inside. Not seeing anyone, I completely entered the room and left the door ajar. No one was sitting in the sofa nor in the reading corner so I decided to look further down the hallway of shelves. Maybe the man wandered, because who wouldn't be amazed with so many books in one place? The only thing making a noise in the library are my heels clicking against the marble floor, other than that, none. It's like even the outside of these four walls were under a silent spell.

I stopped.

None of the guards would willingly leave me alone with a man whose name we don't even know, just claiming I knew him.

My heart skipped a beat and I began to sweat.

I slowly retraced me steps backwards, making little noise as possible before finally turning around swiftly.

Tug. Tug. Tug.

There he is in all his glory, standing proud in a white dress suit. The formal look and the face of an angel probably helped him lie his way in, but he would need greater charmspeak to convince the guards to leave the library unwatched.

Unfortunately, he's a Throne.

"Maqiel," I hissed.

He smiled which is unnerving, making me wonder whether he's expecting me to fight tooth and nails or not.

"Hello, Cara."

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