Chapter 4

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"Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." - Oprah Winfrey

Earth Kingdom
Chrysanthemum Estate

Cara's POV

I feel weightless.

Drifting through the mist like a lost soul, I scanned the area and noticed I was somewhere in the Neutral Grounds. Where Alorah and Azrael ran to.

True enough, I noticed the flicker of a dying campfire. The dying embers illuminated the haunted visage of my former prisonmates. Alorah was in Azrael's embrace, his dark wings worked like a camouflage surrounding their trembling bodies... both from fear and cold night air.

Even as I came closer, I remained unseen. As if the thick fog covered every hint of my presence.

"Do you think both of them had escaped? I wish they were in a better situation than us. I mean, not constantly moving to avoid being caught." Alorah murmured softly.

Azrael sighed, "I'm afraid they're in a much worse condition. Cara's blown by the heavenly fire, no one can fully recover from that. They might be running as well, or they're already caught. Let's just hope for the former."

My eyes glistened with tears as I listened. I might be the safest among us. Toriel's still missing, but I'm healed already. Healed and living in a much safer place. On the other hand, my friends who risked their lives to help me are still risking their lives to be truly free. I feel like a damn poltroon.

Just as I was wiping the tears falling freely, I was pulled a couple of miles backwards. Surrounding me where Chief Maqiel's archangels, gearing up and preparing for an operation.

To fuckin' retrieve the prisoners.

Panic rose inside of me and I screamed.


No one heard me scream... thankfully.

I woke up still vividly remembering the vision. Whether real or imaginary, I can't let them hurt Alorah and Azrael. This is my chance to save them and fight back against Maqiel.

I changed my clothes immediately into something battle-worthy and tied up my wild curls in a ponytail. I cannot go down and leave through the front or backdoor because elven guards are everywhere. They're not aggressive, but it would be unusual for me to leave in the middle of the night without their prince's approval. So I opted for the quickest and most convenient get away.

I went out to my room's balcony and retracted my two sets of golden wings. I scanned the perimeter for any guard, finding none, I took off. Fast and sleek. I passed by like a meteor in the night sky. Having the familiar feeling of the air seeping through my feathers energized my whole body. I let my instinct take over my sense of direction until I saw the line of torches marching towards the little camp my friends made.

My adrenalin, fueled by rage, reached its limit. I landed between the two parties like a meteorite, making a huge dent on the ground where I now stood and sending the opponents backwards.

"I'm alive and definitely going to kick some asses, mates." I winked at the stunned faces of my friends.

The soldiers regrouped, now focused on me. I reached something from my second set of wings and grasped the handle of two broadswords. I don't know why, but I feel like I've done this before, the way I knew there were swords under my wings. Golden. Like my wings. Upon slicing through the air, heavenly fire erupted and coated the blades. Fuckin' amazing.

The first wave attacked and met me in the middle. Alorah pulled the rest of the soldiers underground where Azrael forged the shadows into visions of terror. Their screams matched my enemies' screams. The continous swordfight lasted for almost an hour before I subdued them. Upon finishing the last man I jumped underground and slew the rest with my eyes closed. I don't want to accidentally see terror visions, I'm fine with my enigmatic ones.

Azrael pulled me up after that, before embracing me in a tight hug.

"Glad you're still roaming the realm, D'Angelo." He smiled quite teasingly.

"That's going to change though, soon."

I froze.

A bloodied soldier has Alorah in a headlock, sword poised to cut her throat. Her fear was reflected in her eyes and I felt my knees trembling. Azrael growled beside me, stance alert and on guard.

"Don't you dare move, tainted ones. Come closer and you'll see how I will seperate her head from her body."

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

He sneered, "Of course to fucking live so I can continue to hunt you down. The way you mercilessly killed your fellow angels proves you're vile creatures."

"Look who's talking bullshit. We were not the ones who started the execution of innocent people just because they're different. That's the difference between the both of us; I kill, you murder."

"Silence!" He said and growled.

Wait. He wasn't the one who growled.

A humongous creature rose from behind him. It's green eyes glowing bright in the dark. He towered us indefinitely and the aura of power and pride with a hint of possessiveness and anger made the man tremble.

"W-What..?" He stuttered, releasing his hold over Alorah due to shock. She chose that opportunity to kick him and run to Azrael beside me.

The creature is a beautiful mix of a lion and metal. It seemed indestructible, powerful and dominant. It's wild mane stood as if sensing threat and glowered at the man. The way its eyes glowed in the darkness reminded me of a certain someone.

"Alex?" I asked in surprise. He in turn, flashed me a lopsided grin. A cheshire one. He trampled over the man and lay above the writhing soldier. He huffed as if saying problem solved. No one will survive being trampled to death by a creature as big as this. "How did you find me?"

"I saw you leaving through the balcony. I can sense your fear and rage altogether, so I knew something must've happened. I followed you, and brought some men in case."

The way he looks at me right now makes me think that the possessiveness I felt from him earlier was directed at me.

"These are my friends, Alorah and Azrael. They helped me escape when you found me." I explained, avoiding his intense gaze.

"We'll get acquainted back home. Right now we must hurry before we face another group running after you."

I nodded and his men arrived in a car. Alorah and Azrael we're escorted in while I waited for Alex to shift back to his human body. Instead, he motioned for me to jump on his back. I smiled and retracted my wings, the swords disappearing into thin air. As I sat on his back I can feel him purring in delight.

"Let's go home, Earth King." I whispered softly in his ears as I ran my fingers through his thick fur.

"Damn right, we are. You scared me to death, belle la donna."

I blushed, "I'm sorry, I had to save them right away."

"We'll talk in the morning, I can't wait to get you back home."

I can't wait to be back as well.

The Tainted Earth (Royals of the Realm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now