Chapter 21

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"Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult." - Karl Von Clausewitz

Earth Kingdom
Chrysanthemum Estate

Alexander's POV

I left the Viridian Castle in haste, meeting up with Cara's comrades, her sister and King Ahba in my office back in Chrysanthemum Estate. Both Lana and Alorah were in tears, but the men were filled with determination.

Good. 'Cause we're not giving up. Ever.

"He must've been spying on you all along," King Ahba was straight to the point.

Maybe. It was my fault, I became lax. The earth stone glimmered, refuting my thoughts. My fault or not I'm still getting her back.

"Doesn't matter, what's important is he won't kill her. Maqiel's adamant on marrying her." Toriel argued, getting antsy. "Only heaven knows what's happening to her now."

"Why does he want to marry her anyway?" King Ahba asked, spreading a map of the Celestial Kingdom on the conference table.

I stood beside him, silently studying the landscape and forming attack formations and defenses on my mind.

Azrael cleared his throat when nobody else spoke, "He's killing half-breeds who exhibits potentials and characteristics far from being angelic. Cara's the daughter of a former chief throne, pure angel, but with golden wings. He wants her because she's the 'good' kind of different. It's all about power."

I breathed deeply, placing points all over the map. "Cara is now powerless. She gave everything up to free her sister, Lana. We have to get her before he finds out or he might do something. Something I might torture him for." Lana blanched suddenly, closing her eyes as if listening to something.

The rest all looked at me attentively after I finished plotting army positions. I explained what I had in my mind and Ahba added a few ideas, each sounding better. All of us planned the attack, the fact that the angels with us knew the territory better made it easier.

"My witches are ready, when do we leave?" King Ahba asked, his free hand encircling Lana's waist.

"We leave at dawn. Let us relay the plans on our troops."

We all dispersed, Alorah, Toriel and Azrael followed me down the hall. We were halfway through when Lana called, "King Alexander, Maqiel may be invincible."

I stopped, ears ringing. "What?"

Her lips trembled, "Maqiel is her guardian. We can't kill him or else Cara will die too. It's part of the curse."

I growled, eyes glowing with frustration. "Shit."

"And there may be a reason why Fate has willed her to be captured by Maqiel again. We just have to play along."

Play along?

"Sweetheart, are you sure?" King Ahba held her hand.

She nodded, "I lost my ability to see things yet to happen but not the ability to hear the Fate's plans. They've been whispering things. They told me that we should not get in the way."

My shoulders sagged. "Why? Why wait in the sidelines? What's good in Maqiel having her? She's my queen! My mate!" I snarled.

Lana nodded, "She is your mate and your queen. Nothing will change. The Fate said not to get in the way, but they did not tell us not to attack."

Azrael put his hand over my shoulder, "Let's trust her and the Fate's plans. They led her to you, I'm sure they'll give her back to your side where she perfectly belongs. Our plans to attack must commence, as what everyone must be expecting."

"Only instead, we'll be expecting more events than normal bloodshed." Alorah agreed. "Cara's an extraordinary warrior, she's been through hell and back. We'll get her in time."

I clenched and unclenched my fist, seeking the earth stone's advice. It was unusually calm, as if listening to them. "Alright, we stick to the plan." I voiced out. "And Lady Lana, if there is any way you can listen more to the whispers please tell us. If we're playing along, we need to play it right."


The marching angels led the Celestial army, behind them were angels flying as the second line of defense. Their golden and silver armors glinted under the rays of sunlight. If their enemy wasn't me trying to get my mate back, I would think they're out to start armageddon. Brutal force accompanied with canons throwing heavenly fires? They're prepared.

Alorah tilted her head a little as she whispered, "Lady Lana said the whispers grew louder in celebration. We're doing the right thing."

I grunted, "Order Toriel to tell everyone not to make lethal advances against Maqiel. Tell them he's mine. After that prepare your troops for battle."

She nodded, disappearing underground to relay the information. Azrael and Toriel were a team, Alorah and Lana were protecting us from behind in case of them cornering us. Ahba and I have our own troops to command. We stayed where we are, holding our positions until the Chief Throne of the angels decided to grace us with his presence.

Maqiel landed a few feet in front of his league, his seven pairs of wings almost blinded me with their purity. I guess they made up for his dark soul.

"If it isn't the earth prince." He smiled tightly. My stone glinted, throwing quite a dominance that made half of his men stagger to their feet. His eyes narrowed, "No wonder you got yourself a pretty big army in just twenty-four hours."

I chuckled darkly, "Actually, I brought most of them for their death sentence. My loyal men are too precious to be wasted by yours."

His eyes showed a little surprise, "So these are all untrained?" He mocked, snickering.

I shrugged, "They're nobles who spent their whole life being pampered. If untrained is what you want to call them, so be it."

"I think there was an underlying insult there. My well-trained men versus your noble bloods? Isn't that a bit damaging for my army's reputation?" He chuckled humorlessly.

I just rolled my eyes, "We're not alone though, so don't take any offense. Besides, these nobles will do anything to survive. Don't underestimate them." I laughed, surprising him and his men yet again with my calmness.

He took a different approach, "Cara is an angel. She belongs with us. You can't have her."

"I think the earth stone have something to say about that. Like our bond, and how she's the earth kingdom's queen now."

He almost growled, eyes turning into slits. "I will sever your bond! Cara's mine!"

I snarled this time, shackles raising in alarm. "Careful, wing man. You're talking to a royal. A mated royal. We get possessive really really bad." I scoffed, "How great of a leader you are. Leading your men to battle for a woman who wasn't even yours from the start. Fooling them with the delusions that she's a wanted refugee when in all actuality you wanted her for yourself. Tell me, is it for power? Or plain lust?"

His men shifted in discomfort very subtly and I watched as he raged. His face contorted into anger and pain as he screamed at me, "You don't know anything about me! You don't know anything about what I've been through just to be with her!"

I hissed, "Just to find her, you lost your sense of justice. Just to be with her, you lost yourself. Am I right?"

He didn't answer with words.

He attacked. Then the two kingdoms clashed with a force so strong as if they're fighting to own the sun.

Cara D'Angelo is that sun.

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