Chapter 9

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"Grief and sadness knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger than common joys." - Alphonse de Lamartine

Earth Kingdom
Chrysanthemum Estate

Cara's POV

There are no days off when your head is wanted by a kingdom leader on a silver platter.

Right after my 'almost' death, being reunited with Toriel, and arriving fortunately all alive back in the Earth Kingdom, we prepared ourselves for another journey.


Not to mention the earth prince shadowing my every move. Although I can't deny that I love it when I feel those sparks dancing on my skin when we touch, I don't want him to hover over me like a worried cloud over my head. I'm the angel, hey. I was supposed to be the 'guardian'.

"Ready?" Arms encircled my waist tenderly.

Speaking of the devil...

"I was born ready," I winked, before flashing him a killer smile.

He chuckled innocently, "What are you doing to my heart?"

I was about to make another retort when the horses neighed in chorus. Toriel grinned mischievously in the background while holding the reigns. "Move it, people. We have to travel halfway across the realm so we better start now. Save your kisses for later, folks."

"Well then remind me later, boy." Alex guided me up the magical chariot, which the Demon King sent as per his sister's request to escort her husband, Azrael, back to safety.

"You don't need a reminder, you always find ways to dally around her." Alorah chuckled.

I just shrugged, they already know that the possibility of Prince Alex letting me go after all the drama goes down to zero.

We sat inside the chariot. A demon escort shut the curtains inside, cocooning us entirely from the outside world.

"Do we have to close everything?" I asked.

"It's protocol when traveling to the Demon Kingdom. Some shadows can harm you unintentionally, it's just the way they are." Azrael explained.

I nodded, leaning closer to Alexander who kissed my head softly in return. Toriel sat beside Alorah, undeniably keeping his eyes solely on her. And Azrael, his eyes screamed 'excitement' and no one could deny how he wanted to just fly straight to his wife and child instead.

"You'll see them soon, Azrael." Alorah smiled encouragingly.

He only chuckled, "I can't wait."

I smiled, then felt Alex squeezing my shoulder softly.

"I can't wait 'til were home again," he whispered. "Then maybe we can start getting my throne back."

My heart burst with pride knowing he's motivated enough to take a leap of faith. This man's changing, and I like this version better than the shy type.

"Copy, my king." I giggled when his face flushed red, "Get used to it, earth elves will be calling you that soon enough."


It was dark when we arrived at the demon territory. The ride was bumpy and eerie noises sometimes penetrate the luxurious carriage we're in. We sat in silence, except for the snoring half swan-shifter beside Alorah.

"Wake him up, shadows travel in dreams as well. We're currently unprotected. It's a high chance he'll wake up screaming his lungs out." Azrael warned softly.


You guessed it right. What's the better way to wake someone up immediately other than a sharp slap with a smack?

"WHO THE FUCK- what's going on? What happened? Is there an ambush?"

The carriage stopped as if in response, then the door was opened by the same escort. We carefully got off the carriage, entering a massive entrance made of black marble and amethyst. The place is very cold, yet beautiful. It's sinister but eye-catching. I exhaled a sigh of relief upon seeing a woman with a warm smile waiting by the stairs.

My jaw dropped when a hellhound appeared out of nowhere and jumped at Azrael. 'It' transformed into a 'toddler'. Holy Macaroni!

"DADDYYYY!" He screamed, choking his father to death with a bear hug.

"Oh yeah, I think I'll enjoy it here." Toriel grinned sheepishly while looking around in amazement.

The woman hugged Azrael as if her life depended on it before wiping her tears, "I thought I wouldn't see you again since the day you left to see your mom."

My heart broke painfully at the sight of their emotional reunion. I cannot help but feel hatred towards Chief Maqiel and his wrongdoings. He would've ruined the life of this loving family. Finally, the woman turned to us with a warm smile.

"Sorry for being rude. I am Lupa, strange really because I'm not a wolf, and I am Azrael's mate or wife. Our son's name is Lupercus, and he can turn into a hellhound. He doesn't bite, though he's teething."

Okay, that scared me a bit.

I bowed politely, she's still a princess, "I am Cara, this is Prince Alex, Toriel and Alorah. We're Azrael's friends."

She chuckled, "Don't be too formal, I'm not strict like my brother. Thankfully he's out traveling for a couple of days, he doesn't like other royals much." She threw a glance at Alex who stiffened. "Anyway, I am glad that you're all safe. Thank you for helping my husband and bringing him back to me in one piece." She bowed as well to us which surprised me. Not all royals will do that.

The sad truth is that we can't stay long in the demon territory. Chrysanthemum Estate's waiting for Alex and his people needs him. We need to say our good bye soon.

Alorah embraced me with tears in her eyes, "Find a way to communicate with us soon, okay? I'll miss you, and beat that Maqiel for me."

I whispered a 'Will do' to her before we let go of each other. Toriel came next, "You heard her, lady. All we want is a normal life, and I know that is what you want to fight for. When the time comes, call us and we'll be there."

Azrael gave me his warm brotherly hug, "Don't forget to call, I want to be there when you're burning Maqiel and his legacy to ashes."

I nodded and gave them a tight smile before waving at them and the little boy clinging to Azrael. "Take care of our sister, Alex!" Alorah yelled in the background.

Alexander winked at them, "I swear it on my throne."

"Speaking of throne, let's go so we may start claiming what's rightfully yours." With one last, longing glance, we rode back on to the carriage and closed the curtain, shielding us from the outside world.

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