Chapter 7

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"A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears." - Michel de Montaigne

Earth Kingdom
The Immortal Tree

Cara's POV

I scoffed, "Unbelievable."

There was silence and I didn't bother to look at any of them to see their reaction. I'm alive. I am not dead. The Oracle stepped out of the water and walked towards me with a grace all too familar. Her pale white arms reached for me, fingers brushing my hand holding my sword.

"You don't remember me, do you?" As her pale hands glowed silver, gold tint spread over my skin like a virus. "I was silver, you were gold. I was the moon, you were the sun."

My head hurt and the throbbing pain intensified, "S-Stop..." I clutched my head. Alexander tightened his arms around me and looked at the Oracle meaningfully.

She moved away, a frown marred her face. "I was the truth, you were justice."

The pain subsided and I stood, "You were beauty, I was war." The words came out like a mantra I've been saying for centuries. It was like a realization that I was supposed to remember all along.

It was like a fog was lifted in my head. Things cleared and phases of my life flashed before my eyes. I don't remember everything, but I know we've met before. I know she was a part of my life. Was.

Azrael narrowed his gaze, "You were the twin deities."

Holy shit.

The twin deities were cursed. They fought a great demon that cursed them before it disappeared in the realm. The heroic things they did caused them something in return. The Moon was cursed as the realm's prisoner, and the Sun was cursed to live and die over and over again.

"Gods. This is the worst time for reunion, isn't it?" I smiled.

She finally flashed a genuine smile, "Better this than nothing, Cara." She started walking and we followed her. "I know you're trying to find a friend. He is safe, although the way towards his location isn't. I can sense another death encircling you, but I cannot keep you here just to keep you away from it."

"Are you saying she's going to die again?" Alorah asked quietly. Lana, the Oracle, nodded sadly.

A warm hand enveloped mine and I looked up to see Alex looking at me intensely. The possessiveness was back in his aura and I bathed in it.

"It might take her years to be born again. Reincarnated. When that happens her guardian will have to find her again for her to grow her wings and use her powers."


As we continued to walk I tried to remember when did I hear that word being used before. We started ascending using a flight of stone stairs as she gave instructions to where we can find the lair of the Swan-shifters. As we reached the end of the hall she stopped.

"This is my stop. I can't go further."

"You're sure you can't accompany us?" I asked hopeful.

"I'm a prisoner. I won't be if I can go out at will." She joked, extending her hand for us to enter another chamber. "You won't be facing any trolls, which is good. However, the creatures you will face after me are enough to pose danger. The most innocent looking might just be the most vile."

Her warning gave me the chills and I squeezed the hand holding mine lightly. Alexander looked down at me and gave me a kiss on my temple, "I'm here."

That reminder gave me a sense of hope. I gave Lana a look that says 'I'll be back' and all of us stepped out of her chamber-slash-prisoner. The three elves surrounded us and we all stood together alert as little creatures having large pointed ears and nose appeared. Their eyes focused on my glinting sword.

Their big eyes and gray skin looked mean and we automatically stepped back.

"Shiny..." they giggled, hands clasped and others tried to grab my sword.

I smiled slyly, "How about we give you this shiny thing if you point the way out and let us pass?" I tried my best to sound persuasive and they jumped up and down greedily.

"This way! This way!" We followed them as I raised the sword a little higher because some kept on grabbing it. When we reached the exit I made sure it is safe before I brought out another gold sword.

"I'll give you extra because you all are very cooperative." I threw both swords as far back as possible and they rushed to get it. Alexander pulled me up and we rushed up the stairs to the next level. I can always summon the swords back when I need them. Let the goblins savor it for a while.

The next entrance opened to the home of sirens. Alexander quickly put vines that muffled their beautiful voices over our ears. They sang and sang but as long as we didn't step in the water they didn't bother us. They followed us, hoping one of us will fall into their trap. We climbed another set of stairs and only then did we removed the ear muffs.

"How many more creatures?" Alorah asked.

"Only one," Grange, one of the earth elves, answered. "That's what the Oracle said."

I wonder what creature is next. We stepped in another chamber, this time it was eerily silent. Cautiously, the three elves took the lead and approached the darkness. My breathing hitched when a cry broke out. There was no warning. One of the earth elves fell without an arm.

Azrael pulled him towards us immediately and we're back to the entrance. He checked the pulse and everything else, "He's alive. But barely."

What kind of creature was that? We can't pass through if we don't know what we're dealing with.

Alorah whimpered, "If we reach the Swan-shifters on time, we can still save him."

"What did you see, Grange?" Alexander asked.

"Red eyes and a huge arm, then nothing. He tore Jino's arm the way we do to papers."

"I thought we won't face any troll?" I muttered in disbelief.

Alexander took a step towards the darkness and I immediately followed suit. He opened his palm, eyes glowing green and the place illuminated with swirling vines. There in the middle sat a monstrous form, licking the remnants of Jino's arm. I wanted to puke but I controlled my disgust, completely overtaken by terror. Piles of bones littered the place and I know we're fucking doomed.

His grotesque image sneered at us, "What a surprise! My foods' been delivered right on time for lunch!"

A freakin' ogre.

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