Chapter 18

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"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." - Daniel Webster

Earth Kingdom
The Immortal Tree

Alexander's POV

Lana was prepared when we came to her lair. Her eyes speaks volume as she watched her sister in her golden glory, all nine wings extended like a conqueror.

I bathed in the sight of my mate in her true form because this might be the last time I'll be seeing it; golden skin, golden armour, nine golden wings and her broadswords strapped on her back.

Her divine form she just got back and willing to lose for her sister's freedom.

And I'm here to embrace what remains of her right after her sacrifice. Be it immortality or just plain humanity.

"You don't have to do it. I'm fine, Cara." Whatever words Lana has to convince Cara otherwise won't work anymore. She's ready and she's set on doing it. "This is the only life you've completely gotten your divinity back. You can't just throw it away!"

Ahba felt bad, I can see it as he looked at the both of them. He feels like a jerk for making Cara sacrifice and wanting Lana to be free at the cost of it. But alas, we can only watch the interaction as their mates.

Yep, Ahba is Lana's soulmate without a doubt.

"Let me tell you something, Lana," Cara stood in front of her with a tender smile. "Yes, this is the only life that I've gotten every aspect of my divinity back. All those lifetimes I could hardly find my guardian who could invoke them. I lived and died all over again, trying to regain what I've lost. But think of it... this is the only life that I got a mate, who helped me claim my divinity back all by myself, without a guardian, just by loving someone."

The earth stone in me hummed in comfort, extending tentacles towards our queen as his own way of protecting her. My heart's beating erratically right now, too overjoyed to know my mate thinks of me that way.

"I have my fears too," she continued. "I don't want to die again only to be reincarnated forgetting all about the wonderful man I love. I don't want him to suffer seeing me die and finding me in another lifetime not knowing him anymore. Then I finally met my sister again, whose been suffering for millennia like I do. If I could sacrifice one thing or everything just to free her and stay in this lifetime forever with my mate, ending the curse we were put into I would gladly do it. All roads lead to this, and I know we'll both be happy after this. So please, Lana. Accept this sacrifice for our sake."

How did I get so lucky?

Seeing my mate like this makes me want to wrap her in my arms and protect her from all harm. Her pure soul and amazing heart are too precious to be tainted by anyone. I need to protect her with all I have.

Lana's eyes shifted to me before finally resting on Ahba, whose eyes are now glistening with unshed tears. Finally, I saw understanding flash in her eyes. For she too, finally met someone she'll undoubtedly love for the rest of her life.

"Burn the chains, dearest sister."

Cara didn't wait for another second. She erupted into fires burning brightly. My stone pushed motivation further through our bond to keep her going. The flames exploded, missing me and Ahba intentionally, before crawling up the walls of Lana's cave. The fire traveled upwards the Immortal Tree, extending through its thick foliages turning the green tree into a bright red color.

"You are silver, I am gold. You are the moon, I am the sun. You are the truth, I am justice. You are beauty, I am war." Cara chanted, her wings pulverizing into a ball of fire in her palms.

Lana extended her own Lunar ball, "Together, we are the twin deities."

As both the representations of the sun and moon collide, a brightness overtook the realm making me blind for a moment. I covered my eyes automatically, and when I opened them I saw something awe inspiring. Both of them were star-spangled for a moment, almost as transparent as the night sky, before their own beautiful forms took place.

They both looked human enough to me, but still shining with a deity's beauty and essence. Gone were the silver and gold, but the stars in their eyes remained.

And immortality, that I'm sure.

The Immortal Tree lost it's imposing nature and appearance as specks of twinkling stars dotted every inch of it. The sisters embraced each other lovingly before giggling in pure happiness.

"You better make the most of your freedom. Make up for what you've lost. I'm sure as hell Ahba wouldn't mind showing you around the realm." Cara gently offered her to Ahba who bowed politely in return, taking her hand lovingly.

"I'll treasure every moment, Cara. I'll be with you when you need me, just let me know." Lana embraced her sister again and gave Ahba a loving gaze before wrapping her arms around him.

"Let's make my kingdom your new home, sweetie." Ahba said excitedly, before they waved at the both of us goodbye and teleported into the Witch Kingdom.

My arms automatically wrapped around my mate, giving her a gentle yet possessive kiss. "I can't believe my mate is such a wonderful person. You and your sister may have lost the moon and the sun, but for me you both have a million stars under your command."

Unshed tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she held them back, "I'm lucky to have you too. Don't ever forget that, mighty lion."

Speaking of lion...

"You know, this is a perfect place for a lion and his female to mate and make cubs." I said suggestively making her laugh.

"Seriously? Right now?"

Her laughter bounced off the walls as I proceeded tickling her luscious neck with my growing beard, "Yes. Right now, my queen. Let's make this cave our lair away from the dramas. Just you and me, what do you say?"

The stone shook with pleasure when she gave me a passionate kiss in response, pulling us both down the soft flower bud floating above the still waters. In turn, the stone renewed the place with vigor. Covering it with vines and flowers, making the flower bud we are currently sharing bloom further. We pulled away and she touched my face with her knuckles.

"Talking about cubs, how many children do you want?" She asked quietly.

I pretended to think, "Hmm, about ten."

Her eyes widened, "I'll agree if you'll give birth to half of them, so you'll know how painful it would be."

I chuckled, "Kidding." I gave her another kiss, "I just want two or three, if we're lucky to have four or five I'll be more than happy."

"You're demanding," she rolled her eyes playfully.

"That I am, so we better start now."

And that is how we spent the rest of our day.

The Tainted Earth (Royals of the Realm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now