Chapter 20

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"If you make peaceful revolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable" - John F. Kennedy

Earth Kingdom
The Chrysanthemum Estate

Alexander's POV

"We're almost home, your majesty. Relax." Jino teased as he noticed my jitteryness, mistaking it for my excitement to be with Cara. I just smiled back at him.

Sure, I do miss my mate so much. Spending every night in her arms made up for the days I spent away from her. She cares for me, spends time with me and make love to me every night. Heavens, I look forward to it every night.

But today's different...

I can't help but feel as if something's wrong. That Cara needs me right now. The earth stone shared my opinion, blinking rapidly with different emotions but can't name what's worse. I looked out of the carriage window and saw the outline of the Chrysanthemum Estate as we got closer. We entered the gates and suspiciously, no guards greeted us or anything. It was eerily quiet. I didn't wait for the carriage to stop. I jumped out of it and ran towards the double doors, Jino and the rest jumped out of the carriage too to come after me.

We reached the entrance and twp guards stood like stone statues in front. Irresponsive, but alive. Just as if in a trance.

This is not good.

I ran and ran through hallways and chambers. Following the tentacles of the stone reaching for Cara's essence. The earth stone's vibrating in frustration everytime we don't find her in a room where she's usually at. Other guards were quick to disperse and search as well.

"Your majesty! In the library!"

One guard called and the rest of us followed him. On our way we passed another hypnotized guard, oblivious to us marching like soldiers at war.

Please, let me find her.

I pushed the heavy doors open and found the place thrashed but still. Shelves were destroyed, books scattered everywhere, pages torn and sliced with a sharp object. Even the polished marble floor was marred with fighting scars. Yet, there was no sign of her, nor of the perpetrator.

Atleast I know she didn't go down without a fight. She'll continue to fight.

By the window, a lone white feather sat unashamed for witnessing such duel. Maybe it was purposely left there as a message by the one and only Maqiel.


"I've sent messenger birds to recall both troops in the neutral ground and earth kingdom, your highness. When are we retrieving Lady Cara?" Jino informed solemnly, waiting for my response.

I clenched and unclenched my jaw, "As soon as possible. First, I need you to inform King Ahba and Lady Lana about what happened. Tell them we need immediate help. Next, inform Lady Cara's friends in the demon kingdom. They'll want to know the situation." He nodded at my orders. "If they asked about me, tell them I'm gearing up the Earth Kingdom's battalion."

No more considerations.

Due to those fucking council meetings I failed to protect my mate. I was patient enough to let them stay in their positions of power, even though they don't deserve it. I let them decide for the betterment of the kingdom, gave them a chance to prove themselves. All they do is fucking argue, I lost so much time to them that I failed to be there when my lovely queen needed me.

I'm gonna shove those positions up their asses and make them march towards the Celestial Kingdom to retrieve my Queen.

The guards bowed their respect as I passed by, shifting into my lion form and running lightning speed back to the earth state. Armored guards of my mother and father opened the gate that separates the nobles from the common elves to let me pass by. However, before I could reach the castle doors the general met me with some of his men.

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