Chapter 17

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"I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be. " - Nicholas Sparks

Earth Kingdom
Chrysanthemum Estate
The King's Chamber

Cara's POV

I felt Alexander's breathing before prying his arms off me slowly, grabbing the silk robe hanging on the bedpost and covering my self. I went out into the balcony of the room, watching the stars twinkle with their own vibrance. I closed my eyes then, trying to feel the life force around me and in the realm. Two poles are attracting my attention, one is Alexander and the other is the Immortal Tree.

And the reasons are complicated.

Now that Alexander and I bonded completely, every aspect of my divinity came back full force. My nine pairs of wings, my powers, my memories.

The memories gave me something very useful, yet sacrificial.

I now remember how to break Lana and I's curse. It was a huge risk that I'm not sure yet if I can do. It requires me to give up my wings in order to free her, leaving me almost human. Maybe that's why Lana won't tell me, she knows it's impossible to be done by someone who just got her divinity back. That it's impossible for someone to give up her powers to become a mere human.

But she's my sister. My only and long lost sister who suffered just like me.

That will make the sacrifice worth it. If there's one thing I can do for her to be happy, I'll gladly do it. Besides, I'm tired of being reincarnated again and again.

"What's bothering my beautiful wife?"

His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and I leaned my back on his chest, "Will you protect me forever?" I asked.

His stone sent warmth into my soul and I sighed deeply, "I always will. You're my queen, I'll do anything for you. I'll kill anyone who wants to harm you." His testimony made me smile.

"Even if I suddenly became a human? Or something close to it, losing everything I just got back?"

He turned my body to face him, staring deeply into my eyes as his eyes glowed viridian. "As long as your love for me remains, I don't care if you lose your beauty, your power, or anything. I love you, no matter what." I smiled gently, giving him a kiss. "Now tell me what's going on in that pretty mind of yours," he finally asked.

I chuckled, "I now remember how to free Lana, but I have to trade my nine wings for it. Maybe even turn me into something close to a human being."

He turned serious all of a sudden, "No wonder she kept it a secret from you."

I raised an eyebrow at that, "Is it because no one expects me to do it?"

"No. It's because she knows you'll do it without second guessing." He held my chin, "I can see the cogs turning in your head and I know you'll do anything for her. I support you, but always know your safety is my priority."

I nodded eagerly, embracing him with happy tears. I'm so lucky I met this man. As our skins brushed I felt his desire traveling through my veins, letting me know the mighty lion's craving for my touch.

"Already?" I asked in disbelief.

He chuckled darkly, "Baby, male elves mark their chosen mate for an entire week."

Holy unicorns.

"Artemis never told me that." I argued.

"I wouldn't question the Air King's desire to claim his queen if I were you," he's still smiling like a Cheshire cat. "And I have my own way, my queen. So no one's gonna be leaving this room for the week."

I groaned, "You insatiable beast." I only got his laughter as a reply.


The man was true to his words. When we came out of the chamber a week later, his smile's totally wider than a man who won gold coins for life. His aura's totally bright and he's attached to me by the hip, not letting me out of his sight. Ahba came to visit that day, and we told him about what I found out. He was hesitant at first, expecting Alexander to lash out at him or react differently. He suggested that we should do it when I'm ready, and waiting for another couple of days wouldn't hurt. Now we're waiting for him to arrive. Today's the day we plan on breaking the curse of the twin deities.

"What happened in the council meeting earlier?" I asked Alexander out of the blue. We're sitting next to each other in his office.

He sighed deeply, "I proposed an ordinance to help stop the nobles from injecting the chemical that weakens the common earth elves. They got it from Queen Fyrrah's late archenemy, Leonardo Callisto. Now that he's dead and the supplies were burnt and destroyed, I want to rid the kingdom of all traces of it. However, some nobles keep their own bottles and use it on their servants. We saved some of them, but how about the others? I want them safe if not yet free for the meantime."

This man is a real hero. "Did they consider it?"

"They did, but still needs a lot of pushing since my parents and brother's behind these things too."

Tsk. I hate them.

Then I remembered something, "In the Celestial Kingdom, when halfbreed angels are executed they make them drink something that dulls their abilities and senses first before killing them by sword. They call it chameleon. Was that the same thing?"

"That's it, yes. That thing's deadly. I'm glad Fyrrah and Alessio found out about it and destroyed their bases." He explained, "Artemis and Heaven continued the campaign in their own territory, now it's our turn to cleanse the tainted Earth Kingdom." There was a certain determination in his green eyes that makes me want to suppport him all throughout his reign in his kingdom. I know he'll do all the best for his subjects, and I can't wait to be a part of the better earth kingdom he's building.

Our staring contest ended when we heard enormous wings flapping and a dragon landed on our backyard.

Ahba's here.

"Are you ready?" Alexander asked me, giving me a gentle kiss.

"It's now or never."

We'll make the sun and moon roam the realm together again, Lana.

The Tainted Earth (Royals of the Realm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now