Chapter 1

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Author POV

"We have to do something so both our companies can join, this will benefit the both of us, and will stop both our companies from failing," Li Baotian said softly to the man sitting beside him

"well what do you suggest, we are rival companies" Kong Aixian murmurs while looking at the paperwork that is handed to him "Brother Li, the way I see it we would have to...."

"make it into one big family company," Li Baotian says with a grin plastered across his face, "we both have children, if we marry them then allowing to rival companies become one will be less strange"

Kong Aixian thinks for a moment, a confused expression crosses his face "we only have sons, I'm not sure my wife would agree to me marrying her only son to another man, and to get Mengrui to agree maybe easy I still can't guarantee he will allow this to happen"

"Brother Kong" Li Baotian rests his hand on Kong Aixian's shoulder "we simply do not tell them yet, Of cause, they will know eventually but by then it will be too late"

Kong Aixian seems lost in thought again "I don't want anything bad to happen to my wife's company, and joining the two as a family company seems like a good deal, what if the kids do not agree to it"

"We do it like this, a blind wedding, like a blind date, they get married but they don't meet till the day of the wedding, obviously it would be a little suspicious if we blindfolded them" Li Baotian let out a laugh

Kong Aixian let a small nervous smile spread on his lips "and when do you suggest we tell the rest if we can get them to marry each other"

Li Baotian scratches his stubbled chin "we can figure that out after the wedding"

Kong Aixian nodded slightly "alright, I agree, but I won't force my son into doing something he doesn't want to do"

Li Baotian had a winning smirk on his lips "just don't tell him who he's marrying and that he will meet them on the wedding day, I will tell my son the same"

Kong Aixian nodded, they shook hands before getting up and parting ways

When Li Baotian got home yawning, he buzzed himself through the gate, after parking out the front of the large 2 floored house

it had 4 bedrooms with their en-suite bathroom, ground floor led a large set of stairs, to the left led to 2 rooms one office and an art room where Li Baotian's wife spent most of her days drawing or painting, to the right was another two rooms, one the living room and the other a kitchen/dining room

Li Baotian headed into his office putting his case away under his desk before walking back out and heading up the stairs as he loosened his Tie "Shuanghui" he calls walking to his son's bedroom opening the door, he frowned, the room was clean and practically looked as if no one ever stayed in here "Rongshu!!" he calls out "where is he!"

A tall woman walks out of her room with a silk gown on, she was frowning, he sandy blonde hair lay over her shoulders as she stared at her husband across the hall "he left the house not long after you, come to bed, he will be back later"

Li Baotian shook his head and waved her back into the room "I will wait for him, I need to speak to him, you go back to bed"

Kong Mengrui POV

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