Chapter 11

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Mengrui's POV

I heard him shout from the other room, after washing my hands I walked back into the room "what do you mean by that"

he pointed to the papers on the table "I don't know much about companies or businesses but what I can understand is my father took advantage of your father"

I looked over at the paperwork and picked it up, glancing over it "I get that it was going to..." I frowned letting anger cross my face "this isn't that much benefitting, I need to deal with this"

He got up and walked over to me pushing me down onto the bed "you can deal with it later, you need to rest first"

I pushed him away, I don't know why I'm angry at him, after seeing him at the café I've been so confused about him "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I shouted at him

he stared at me before pulling out his phone, softly talking "I am Li Shuanghui, your husband and carer, therefore you are going to listen" he then turned his phone to face me hovering his finger over a name that made my eyes widen "or I can just simply call this number right here and tell her you are being difficult"

I clenched my fists to my side "you wouldn't dare!"

he smirked at me a now mischievous look pleasant in his eyes "wouldn't I"

I dove forward to grab the phone and he stepped back out of reach locking it "Listen alright, I'll help you sort this out, we both were put in this situation because of my father but you are still healing so rest.... please" he sounded like it was a struggle to let the last word out of his mouth, I sighed and lay back down on the crappy hospital bed, I miss my bed, his phone pinged indicating a message he sat back down and opened his phone back up "these two will be more of a help to you than me" he mumbled out

"you haven't done anything wrong" I mumbled not loud enough for him to hear, he put his phone away and closed his eyes leaning his head back again, I lay there watching him, he looked kinda rough on the outside but he was gentle, shy, least that's what I've seen so far, his friend told me he was even to shy to come into the cafe that day they came, it kinda made me laugh, it upset me not seeing him again after that though, I know he'd been watching me before the dinner but stopped 3 days before the meet up after he came into the cafe. I sat up unable to sleep and took a look at the paperwork making some notes before I fell back to sleep with the papers in my hand.

Shuanghui POV

I snap my eyes open to the sound of knocks on the door, I rubbed the back of my neck as I got up stretching, Mengrui was still asleep, I walk over opening the door to 2 men practically identical to one another

one with a childish grin on his face his hair was more styled like mine slightly scruffy only he was black compared to my lighter brown colour "DIDI!!" (younger brother) he said the way to loud so I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth

"I should have known you would have come here, and keep it down," I said with a low voice making my way back to the chair I was sitting on

they followed me into the room the other man holding a bag up in front of me, "Mother told us where to find you and to bring you food, she said there was extra for the patient you are watching over" he then looked over towards the other twin "what's with that, since when did Didi have a heart?"

I scowled "I've always had a heart, I just didn't have a reason to use it"

the one with his hair brushed back neatly passed me the bag before taking the paperwork from the sleeping form on the bed, He sat down on the other bed and started reading it, the other just wandered around the room a bit "is his old man as stupid as you Shuanghui"

I growl but turn my head to Mengrui as he slowly sat up "yeah he is, stupid enough to do this without telling me the full details, or not even look into your father's company"

"Did we wake you?" I mumbled and he frowned

"Yeah, though I don't think you could be anymore quieter if you  were trying to whisper like that" he got up ignoring the stares of my twin brothers and headed for the bathroom

the childish twin tilted his head with an amused look on his face "that is?"

I pointed to the door, "that is..." I trailed off biting my lip

"his husband" I heard the voice come from the bathroom in a delightful tone

the twins looked at each other and then towards me grins on both of their faces "Husband" they both chime in together "since when were you married" the older of the two said

I glared and pointed to the papers in the younger hand "blame the old man, just deal with what he has done"

The door to the bathroom clicked open and Mengrui came out fully dressed, I dived up and grabbed his arm as he made his way to the door to leave "Woah hey the doctor said after the check-up"

Mengrui complained trying to pull out of my hold, I shook my head and put my arm around his waist and pulled him back to the bed making him sit back down, the twins sat there smirking as they watched us.

the doctor knocked just as I got him to sit down and he walked in "sorry may I ask you to leave, family only" my brothers nodded taking the papers with them despite Mengrui trying to take them back a worried look on his face I sighed but held onto Mengrui who looked as though he was ready to run, the doctors did his checks and Mengrui death glared me "you are ready to leave as soon as the discharge forms are filled out and some medication is given, some stomach ones just to help the food poisoning and some pain killers to ease the pain" the doctor said before walking out

"Stay here I'll be back after signing your papers and take you home," I said before getting up, I frowned and hesitated before walking out

Mengrui's POV

I waited for a couple of minutes after he left, I'm not waiting here, and I don't trust him, first, he stalks me, shows up at my workplace with his friend, then accuses me of knowing, and I pass out waking up at a hospital, I shake my head and get up heading for the door, opening the door I come face to face with the two identities that I would assume had some relation to Shuanghui with the way they where talking "is there no escape without being caught, I just want to get out of here, I didn't want to be here in the first place" I mumbled

they both looked at each other then back at me, the one with hair styled like Shuanghui grinned "then let's get out of here, Shuanghui would be no help that's why we are here, to help you with the mess my father has caused, and Didi will just get in the way" he said, he had a childish tone to his voice

"let's get out of here before he comes back," the other one said with a more serious tone, his hair was brushed back with shaved sides

I looked between them both narrowing my eyes "I'm only coming with you because I don't have my wallet on me and you seem a little more trustworthy than that Idiot" they both chuckled and the childish toned one walked away with a grin on his face mumbling something to himself

"where would you like to go, Xiao...." the one that stayed asked, "what is your name?"

I smile and start to follow him as he made his way down the hall "I'm Kong Mengrui"

he smiled in return, he was shorter than Shuanghui, Shuanghui towers over his whole family, which makes me wonder where he gets his height from "so Xiao Kong where would you like us to take you?"

I look at my phone for the time "Lang Dui College" I say and open up messenger

meet me outside the college

sending it to Dianfa

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