Chapter 23

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Shuanghui POV

I put Mengrui's phone in my pocket and take the plate into the kitchen and washed it up, I was just about to walk back out when Meirong walked in with a smile "you my boy are one clean person, despite the rough look you wear often" she stated calmly, she meant no harm in it and I could see that

I smiled back at her and nodded I know my look never gives the best impression, I never really tried for a good impression and even though I think I like Mengrui, I like dressing like this and I don't think changing my look now would make a difference "Ayi, Did Mengrui leave my phone here?"

She shook her head "I don't think so not unless he left it in the bedroom" 

I rubbed my temple trying not to frown "I need to go then, sorry Ayi" I quickly walked passed her and outside getting on my bike, she had a worried look on her face as I put my helmet on giving her a quick wave before driving out of the driveway heading for Mengrui's school, I wasn't driving for long before I pulled up into the school carpark finding a place to park, I got of my bike hanging my helmet on the handle, I head inside getting a few people staring at me, everyone was dressed in really smart decent clothes and I must stick out like a sore thumb, I walk over to the reception desk the woman behind the desk stares at me "I'm looking for Kong Mengrui, he does buisness class here" she pointed in one direction not saying anything, I look in the way she points and start walking that way, I look through some of the windows of the room trying to find the one Mengrui is in, when I find it I know the door, the tutor says somethign before he walks over to the door and opening it "I'm looking for Kong Mengrui"

The tutor was scowling as he looked at me then turned back to his class over at Mnengrui who was staring over in shock "Kong you have a visitor make it quick we are in the middle of class"

Mengrui quickly makes his way over to the door, I didn't fail to see the glare Dianfa had and some of the amused looks on the other students "what are you doing here?" he questions, pushing me back a bit as he steps out the room shutting the door behind him

I stared at him for a moment then pulled out his phone from my pocket "to get my phone this one is yours" 

He shook his head "no it's not" when I turn it on the gapes at it, he quickly and quietly goes back inside the classroom and I wait by the door as he gets something from inside quickly making his way back out and holding my phone out to me "your brothers called by the way" I frowned, I was about to say something when he continued "they told me not to wake you and that they would call you again later, I must have got our phones mixed up, sorry, why did they sound so shocked about you sleeping on the bed though" he questioned me

I bit my lip and shook my head "that doesn't matter you should get back to class" He nodded and went to open the door but I quickly grabbed him giving him a light kiss on the cheek, "cya" I said quickly before walking off

Mengrui's POV

I stared for a moment, placing my hand on my now warm cheeks where he kissed me, I head back into class trying to hide the light blush that crept onto my face, Dianfa's glare seemed to harden as he stared at me and I know he could see my blushing, I bit my lip and prayed for the lesson to finish so I could get out when the bell rang for lunch, I and Dianfa packed up to head home we only had morning class today, and practice had been cancelled because of the bad weather that keeps creeping up throughout the day, we were walking back when a fist lightly hit my arm and I looked at Dianfa "why did he come here? what did he want, first stays around your house, twice by the way, Twice! and now comes to your class at school"

I frown at him before letting out a sigh and a small smile "I got our phones mixed up, and he was supposed to meet his brothers this morning but he missed them and I had his phone so he didn't know and they are heading back home today"

he frowned at me "why do you know so much about what's going on with him, he's nothing but trouble Mengrui, I don't like him"

I shrugged "you don't have to like him but you don't have to be mean, I only know so much because his brothers told me, and he is my husband even if we both never actually agreed to it, neither of us is complaining either, you seem to be the one with the problem with him being around me," I said back to him, he looked a little shocked but shrugged it off, I walked up the drive and my father was stood by the front door looking hesitant about entering "father? is Ma letting you back home again"

He nodded and smiled I unlocked the door stepping inside first "yes your mother is letting me home, there is also one more thing to be sorted" he said and I gave him a questioning look, he passed me some files and I opened them "they are for a divorce, so you no longer have to be married" he explains "Lao Li passed them to me today with a deep apology

I put the folder down on the desk by the door and walk into the hall "Oh, I see" I mumble "Xao Xing" I call and whistle for my little puppy who runs out of the living room and around my feet, I crouch down picking him up giving his a small hug "hello Xiao Xing, were you a good boy for ma?"

"you can finally get rid of that man then once and for all, Right Didi" Dianfa comments following in behind me hearing what my father said, I ignored him petting Xing as I make my way to the back garden with my puppy in my arms.

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