Chapter 30

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Mengrui's POV

I Stared blankly in shock at the door, moving my fingers up to my lips "he kissed me" I mumbled to myself "oh god why did I punch him, he kissed me and I punched him" I closed my eyes my fingers still touching my lips, I could feel the heat in my cheeks I sat there

I opened my eyes as the door swung open showing Juanshou "Mengrui?" he looked panicked at first but the second he saw me he relaxed and his facial expression softened as he stared at me a small smile escaping his lips as he hummed in amusement "are you alright?" He asked as he shut the door after stepping into the room

I nodded slowly moving my fingers away from my lips "yeah but..." I trailed off looking away from him

"he kissed you?" I looked at him wide-eyed my cheeks still full of heat only nodding to his question which caused him to chuckle "and?"

I again went to a worried look "and I punched him" frowning as looked down to the floor after seeing a shocking look cross his features

"you punched him.... why?" I bit my lip as I tried to think about why I did it

It's not that I hated the kiss part of me wanted him to kiss me again which kind of scared me maybe I was just surprised "I don't know" I mumbled staring back down at my hands

"Are you angry with him" I shake my head at his question frowning

He hummed in what seemed to be amusement "then do you love him? Do you love my baby brother?"

My mind went blank and I looked up and Juanshou "I don't hate him, I know that much"

He stood up and swung the door open, Shuanghui was stood there with a frown as he glared at his older brother "you heard that Didi, he doesn't hate you and that's a good thing"

"Get out" he grumbled and Juanshou walked past him and down the stairs, Shuanghui walked in shutting the door behind him and holding out a bowl "I made you some soup"

I looked at him confused there was food downstairs but this didn't seem like anything that was on the table "soup?"

Shuanghui nodded and scooped some up on the spoon holding it out to me "yeah that spicy one I gave you before"

I take the spoon from him drinking the soup, I inwardly hissed at the spices looking up at him as he sat beside me  holding the bowl towards me "thank you" I say before taking some more before offering him some holding the spoon up to his mouth, he drank the soup from the spoon and I had some more before speaking "you...your father is wrong" I stuttered out

He gave me a confused look and hummed "about what?"

"About you, about you being a useless husband"

He sighed and smiled at me "don't listen to him, don't let what he says bother you either" he held the bowl up "drink up"

"You eat some too" I mumble scooping some onto the spoon and holding it out to him

He takes the spoon almost spilling the soup "it feels awkward to have you feed me" he says before drinking the soup from the spoon and holding a spoonful out to me to drink, the door swung open and Shuanghui glared at his friend that was stood there "have you forgotten how to knock" Shuanghui grumbles out

He seemed to be frozen as he stared at the both of us, I took the bowl and spoon placing them on the table next to the bed "did you sleep with him" Kuanwo finally spoke

"What!" I said snapping my head into Kuanwo's direction

Shuanghui's eyes were wide staring at Kuanwo "what the fuck is wrong with you to get out" he shouted and swore to the older man

Kuanwo shook his head "no, answer me did you sleep with him" his question was directed to Shuanghui as he pointed at me

I looked between the two "it depends on what you mean by sleep with"

Shuanghui's look softened as he turned to me "he has a dirty mind, filthy actually but I'm sure you can figure it out by that"

My face went red, no doubt about it, Kaihan came in pulling Kuanwo back slightly "Didi you can't just go and ask that"

Kuanwo and Shuanghui were now frowning, Shuanghui stood up and walked up to the "why are you asking such a stupid question?"

Kuanwo looked at Shuanghui then to Kaihan then back again "he told me you did"

I started laughing putting my hand over my mouth, Shuanghui looked at me with a soft smile on his face "we slept together meaning we fell asleep in the same bed, that's what they meant"

"Slept in a bed" he stared wide-eyed at Shuanghui "you slept in a bed, wait you let this dirty man sleep in your bed"

Shuanghui threw a pillow at Kuanwo "get out"

I chuckled and nodded "he may be dirty even Xiao Xing agrees, he's comfy to cuddle" I blinked realising what I said, "least Xiao Xing thinks so, both times he was curled up on him"

Kuanwo looked to Kaihan and they both just blinked before looking back to us "both times?" They questioned at the same time

Shuanghui nodded and scratched the back of his neck "the first time when I forgot my phone and he was too tired to find it I fell asleep waiting for him to wake up" he looked at me then back to his brothers "than last night when two idiots decided to kidnap us and scare him"

They both laughed nervously before speaking again at the same time "it was his idea" they said pointing to each other

Xing barks and I stroked him "you should just punish them both, they both did it after all"

Shuanghui cracked his knuckles and smirked "you're right" he turned his head to look at the "Who's first"

Kaihan pushed Kuanwo forward and ran and Kuanwo laughed nervously "I think it's time to leave the happy couple alone" he quickly backed out of the room shutting the door

I started laughing seeing them panic and leave as fast as they did, "That's the first time I have seen you laugh properly" I heard Shuanghui say, snapping me from my laughter.

I looked up at him then looked down "I'm sorry for punching you" I mumbled he chuckled shaking his head

"don't be sorry" I lifted my head and smiled at him shaking my head back at him "it was my fault"

"I just didn't expect you to kiss me, that.... that was all, I never... kissed another guy before" I was pretty sure I was blushing so I turned my head back away stroking Xiao Xing

he let out a soft laugh "I didn't think I'd kiss the person I married in all honesty, I don't really trust my dad's judgement, but you, you're cute, and so much cuter when angry"

I was blushing more and kept my eyes on Xing "I'm not cute" I mumbled again, I felt movement beside me and realised he lay down, he was looking at the ceiling and Xing got up moving behind me climbing onto Shuanghui's lap and curling up his head resting on Shuanghui's stomach "he likes you" I say running my fingers through the thick white fur of my puppy

Shuanghui hummed looking over at me "do you?" I bit my lip and didn't answer, just continued to stroke Xing, I was soon jerked from my sitting position to belay next to him "do you like me?" he asked cupping my chin and pulling it up so I looked him in the eyes.

he had sounded nervous and his eyes were searching mine "I don't hate you" I mumble back in response, staring back at him

a soft smile showed on his face "that's something" he says as he pulls me closer, my breathing hitched at the closeness, he glanced down at my lips then back into my eyes, "can I kiss you... again?"

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