Chapter 3

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It's been a week and there had been no call from the company. With no hope in sight, you continued with your days, going to rehearsal and going straight home. Adora would text and call you from time to time, she was also waiting for the call which you reassured her that she would get.

"Do you want to get coffee this afternoon?" she asked over the phone. You were on the way home from rehearsal one day.

"Yeah. Let me go home and change and I'll meet you somewhere." you answered.

"Where were you coming from?" she asked.

"Oh, um, the gym." you lied. You weren't in your disguise right now.

"Oh, alright. I'll text you the address," she said before hanging up. You were glad that rehearsal ended early but that's only because you needed to pick up some documents from the children music school you help out at. You were in the process of providing scholarships for them to enroll in college. When you parked your car, you could see some of the children running out to greet you.

"Sugarplum," they yelled and hugged you. "We missed you."

"I've missed you too. Sorry I haven't visited for months. I've been so busy." The director of the school also came out to greet you. You handed her some snacks that you brought and together, you headed to her office. The children went back to their studies.

"How have things been for you?" she asked.

"You know, same as always. My life revolves around music. What more could I ask for?" you smiled sadly. The director was actually your music tutor. Since she did such a good job with you, your parent gave her enough money to grow the school. But they stopped the funding, which you continued to do. As much as you hated the lessons, the values and happiness they bring to the kids are worth it.

"I always feel regret that I put too much on your plate and I didn't give you enough time to live as a kid." she sighed, looking down. She looked small in comparison to the office your parents had given her. When she started out, nothing like this had existed. You parents hired her because of her degree from a prestigious academy. Then with your success, she was able to build her dream.

"Minyoung, you should not be the one to tell me this," you chuckled. "To be honest, I was mad for a long time that I didn't get to enjoy being a kid, but that's long gone now. Actually, you were there for me more than my parents ever were and you taught me the beauty of music. You also gave me candy so I'm grateful for you. You were the light that helped me through those times."

Minyoung placed a hand on yours. "What you're doing is also important and those kids are grateful for your existence." The children came from low-income families with no way of providing for their lessons or future academic institutions. If your money was going to go anywhere, it would be here. After finishing some paperwork, she showed you around to some new classrooms. The school had around 300 students that are broken up into levels. The higher-level classes offered one on one tutoring from musicians around the city. You were in charge of setting that up. In one room, the advanced high, it was especially busy.

"What's going on?" you asked.

"Oh someone from an entertainment company comes here every week to show the kids how to produce music. They're loving it, it gives them a good break from the study. I'm blanking on his name even though it's kind of ridiculous." Minyoung answered. You got curious and looked through the small window on the door. You saw his back but he was tall. He wrote some music notes on the whiteboard and turned around to talk to the kids. When he did, you gasped.

"Rapmon," you said quietly. It was a delight to see his smile. Even from this distant, you could see that he had dimples. They appeared every time he talks to the kids. And likewise, they reciprocated the same excitement.

"Yes, that's his name! How did you know?" she asked.

"Long story." you answered. Somehow, you couldn't get mad at him. When he was criticizing your answer, you felt how passionate he was about music and about the people who apply. It was not a fault, it was the standard and you respected that. That's how business should be. Without saying anything, Minyoung opened the door and all heads turn towards you two, including his.

"Sorry to interrupt," Minyoung chimed. "But would we just wanted to observe a little bit. Is that okay?" she asked Rapmon.

"Yes, of course. We were just about to have the students play around with the instruments," he answered. He looked from the director to you. Instinctively, you hid behind Minyoung. He focused his eyes, they weren't deceiving him. You look like someone he knows. When you went to tuck your hair behind your ear, he thought he saw something red. He was about to ask something when some students got out of their seats.

"Sugarplum, I listened to your new piece. It's beautiful." one girl said. She held up your poster and it made you cringe. Photoshoots will never be your thing. "Can I have your autograph?"

"Of course!" you answered. A line began to form and Minyoung apologized for interrupting Namjoon's lesson.

"It's okay. Who is that?" he asked.

"How do I describe her?" Minyoung chuckled. "She funds our school and always put the school's needs before her own. She manages some portions here while also focusing on her cello career. She started out as my student and it didn't take long for her to excel any expectations. I'm surprised you don't know her."

"I'm surprised too. I guess I've been too close-minded about anything other than rapping and producing." Namjoon answered honestly.

"You should listen to her music sometime. I have an extra ticket for her performance this weekend. And I suggest wearing a suit." Namjoon nodded in confusion. He thought it would just be a small venue somewhere. To be honest, he didn't have a suit at all. But when Minyoung handed him the ticket, his eyes grew. It was one of the biggest theaters in the city. He looked up at you, still signing autographs and pondered about who the person he was looking at really was. At first, he thought it was that strange girl from the audition, but it couldn't have been. The composure was totally different and he likes the person in front of him much better. Not for the appearance, but for what she was doing to support music. 

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