Chapter 6

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"Noona, I'm bored." he whined. He continued to fiddle with some stuff on the keyboard while you focused on the arrangement on the monitor.

"Jimin, we've only been here for an hour and we need something by the end of the day to show Band P.D." you answered him. But the baby continued to whine. The contradiction between him singing Lie and right now is astounding.

"I'm hungry." he pouted.

You sighed. "If we get done early, I'll buy you some food." He jumped in his seat and cheered excitedly. It's been a month since you started the job and the boys were working on their next studio album, Wings. All the members are given the chance to help with their solo tracks so they're paired with a producer for the duration of the production. Jimin chose you because he wanted his song to have that orchestral vibe. You didn't mind since he was the sweetest thing. He did lose a lot of weight since his debut so any chance you get, you would sneak in food for him.

Jimin continued with the vocals while you wrote down what you would play on the cello. Jimin wanted an intense and sorrow sound, something you were quite familiar with. The difficulty was then mixing it with some other sounds to make it like a pop song. While Jimin took a small break outside, you recorded your portion. It felt more relaxing to be by yourself. If you messed up, you definitely did not want anyone else to witness it. Jimin then entered the studio but you were too immersed to notice him. His jaws dropped and he clapped loudly when you were done.

"Noona, I know you're good but I didn't think you were this good." he said. You laughed shyly.

"Um, thank you. I'll record a few more versions and we can see what we like better." you suggested. Jimin nodded and watched you work. You felt the pressure of him being there, but it was better Jimin than anyone else, especially him. You still hadn't talked to him since that night which is hard considering anything you do has to go through him, like the meeting later today about Jimin's song.

After you were done recording, you and Jimin sat in front of the monitors and placed the audio files in place. You laid it over Jimin's voice and waited for his reaction. Once he was on work mode, he was no longer whining. He was active in saying what would work and what didn't. "I like this first part, and maybe change the pitch of the second part." he said. You took his suggestion and worked on the song until he felt like it was good enough to show everyone else.

"You wrote the lyrics, right?" you asked.

"Yeah. Is there anything strange?"

"No," you answered, looking at the sheet music. "It's just I don't think anyone outside the company could picture this side of you. It's something quite beautiful, the beauty of being lost and broken."

"That's why I picked you as my producer. I feel that we're both lost and putting on some sort of masks for the world, as performers." he smiled.

"Performers? You're the only one here who will be on stage..."

He shook his head. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone." Before you could ask anyone, Jimin's phone rang indicating that it was time to meet with the others. You grabbed your stuff and headed to the big conference room. The room was already packed. These meetings were never anything formal, nothing like the ones you go through for your own songs and releases. It was a nice change for once.

"Alright, since everyone is here. Let's get started." Band P.D announced. You sat next to Adora while Jimin went and sat on top of Taehyung. Typical. Namjoon, as the leader, went first. He plugged the USB into the computer and pulled up the audio file. You avoided looking at him, only at the computer screen. He pursed his lips but didn't linger on you for long.

"The song is called Reflection. It talks about how I wish I can be a better person, for the sake of the group as well as for my own personal development. I appreciate any feedbacks." he stopped talking and pressed play. As much as you didn't want to admit it, his rapping takes on a new form of wonder every time you hear it. The emotions, the vibrant feelings it gives you, the sadness in his voice. You carefully listened to the song and tried your best not to cry.

I wish I could love myself,

I wish I could love myself,

I wish I could love myself.

Though you didn't know much about him, you also wish that one day he would be able to love himself. Everyone has the right to do that and they should. When it ended, someone the producers made suggestions about what should be emphasized or what shouldn't be in it. Namjoon nodded and took notes on his phones. It seemed that everyone was done giving feedbacks but Bang P.D looked at you expectantly.

"Do you have anything to add, Y/N?" he asked.

"I don't think I have anything good to say-"

"Say it, I want to hear." Namjoon said, interrupting you. He looked to your side, avoiding your eyes as well.

You held your chin and thought for a bit. "Okay, well, I think the beginning part should be in English. It flows better."

"You think so?" he asked.

You nodded. "Yes. Try 'I know, every life's a movie. We got different stars and stories. We got different nights and mornings'. Something like that." He looked at you like a deer in the headlight and you couldn't tell if it was a good reaction or not. But he wrote it down on his phone while nodding.

"You're good at English." he said. "Thank you." This time, he did look at you for a split second before sitting down. The others went and the process repeated itself. As it got nearer to Jimin's turn, you felt more nervous than ever. Jimin gave you a reassuring smile.

"We got this." he said. You followed his lead with the presentation, he did most of the talking. "Lie is a journey through my mental state, I guess. I wanted it to have some sort of build-up, yet still calm, a storm building perhaps. And I think Y/N did a great job with that." When you pressed play, you immediately wanted to disappear. You never had a problem with hearing your songs but it was different this time, you didn't want to let down anyone in the room. You observed their faces, some were intrigued and surprised, and some were more skeptical, like Namjoon.

The song ended and there was a chorus of 'good jobs' and 'wow'. But you waited for him to respond, holding your breath. He closed his eyes and tilted his head up to the ceiling. When he opened his eyes, they searched for you. "You should add some violins on this, to make the sound fuller. But overall, a really good song." It also seemed that everyone was as surprised as you were to hear his compliments.

"Thank you. I'll work on that." you bowed. If your eyes didn't deceive you, you saw a little smile as he left the room. 

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