Chapter 34

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The paperwork cleared, thanks to your lawyer, and you got your house and car back. You also received the funds your grandfather left for you. You also cut all ties with your parents, what they do no longer concerns you. You did hear that their businesses fell through and their foundations had internal changes regarding who should be in charge. But you left some money to them to start over, hopefully, this chance might change them, and if it didn't, you won't bend over backward to save them.

With the money that you got, part of it went into savings for the future while the other part was poured into BigHit. Bang P.D was hesitant to accept the money but you told him it was an investment for you as a stockholder. Also, it would pay for all your expenses with the boys in the future. "Don't worry, I won't use it leverage for when Namjoon breaks up with me." you halfheartedly joked.

"That boy is crazy for you, so that would never happen." he told you. The rainbow after the storm continued when you asked Adora to move in with you. The house would be closer to work and you felt uneasy letting her live in her old area by herself. She agreed on the condition that you let her buy groceries and pay her portion of the bills. You couldn't fight her and you were happy to finally have a friend in the house.

Namjoon was in a meeting along with the boys. It seemed that Grammy has invited them to present an award as well as an in-depth interview on their success. They deserve every bit of their achievements. Earlier in the week, he sent you a beat for the outro with just the rapline. It starts off with piano and then builds. But as you listened, you knew something was missing. Your eyes automatically wandered to the violin in the corner and eyebrows raised. Just maybe.

Namjoon skipped from the meeting room to your studio. But he stopped once he reached the door upon hearing something. It was the violin, he was certain of that, but then the sound would stop and you would be cursing quietly to yourself. Slowly, he opened the door and hoped that it wouldn't creak and it didn't. He saw your back and the violin on your shoulder as you moved the bow diligently. Your shoulders were tensed. Namjoon bit his lips.

He knew you were frustrated with your inability to play like you used to. No matter how hard you work on the therapy, it could never be like before. He would try to distract you with other projects but it was futile since orchestral had been your passion for so long. He walked closer.

Your fingers were numb, they didn't want to cooperate and you felt the burning tears building. Then your hand gave a spastic shake and you dropped the violin. It didn't hit the floor, as Namjoon was there to grab it just in time. You were stunned to see how close he was, he could see the red in your eyes and your fingers shaking. He put the violin back in its place then reached for your hand, planting a kiss on it. And as if magic, the pain was gone.

"I'm so useless." you sighed.

"Shut up. Don't you ever say that."

"It's true." you argued. "I can't even play a simple chord."

"You're trying so hard, my love, " he whispered. "Please don't be hard on yourself. From what I heard outside, it sounded like your hand is improving."

"But then it stops moving and I feel helpless."

"One step at a time, my Y/N. And I'll be with you every step of the way." he promised. "I love how determined you are but it seems like you're in a rush."

"Well I thought I could contribute something to the song you sent over. I think the violin sound could be a good contrast and balance to your rappings."

He tilted his head and hummed. "Actually, I really like that idea. I'm sure Yoongi hyung and Hobi would like it too. But I don't want you to hurt yourself further. It kills me to see you in pain and I can't do anything about it."

You shook your head and pulled him closer with the hem of his loose shirt. He was taken aback by the strength but nonetheless, threw his arms around your waist and buried his face in the crook of your neck. A big baby, you thought. "I will be fine, okay? I won't hurt myself." He only nodded and you felt a moist sensation. "Joon, why are you crying?"

"I want to take all your pain away." he answered, still unmoving. "I just love you and I can't stand the world being so cruel to you." You pulled him back and kissed his lips passionately. His eyes widened before closing. His lips melted into yours. His touch burned your skin as he trailed your arm. You felt dizzy and breathless as you pulled away.

"I love you too. I need the pain, to remind me that I'm human and that things will get better. Everything goes. And you shouldn't have to take my pain away, I need you to stay with me, to love me and help me carry the weight of the pain."

"I'll gladly do it for the rest of my life." he said in response. He didn't need to think about it, he knew it was something he had wanted to do since he realized his feelings for you.

"That's a long time," you chuckled.

"Yeah. But a long time sounds so good with you." he winked. He stayed with you the rest of the day as you continue your practice. Throughout the week, it was getting better. He worked side by side as you recorded the string section and he would put them onto the audio file, making the necessary adjustments and recommendations. You two worked in harmony, he respected your inputs and you took his comments objectively, it was a perfect balance.

When the song was completed, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek. "This is a masterpiece." he said in wonder.

"I know people will absolutely die because of this song." you said.

"I'm gonna die right now with how much I want to cuddle you."

"Joon, it's like 11 in the morning." you laughed.

"So?" he said back.

"There are other people here, you jerk." Yoongi groaned. "Couples are so annoying." he said as he stared at his Jimin monitor wallpaper, Jimin posters, and snuggling up to his Chimmy plushie. 

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